Forum Replies Created
Participantthis is a great idea !
very fresh theme !04/15/2015 at 22:36 in reply to: How to get scanlines and vastly improve picture quality: the best method #95046dem1980
ParticipantAre you sure that this code is correct ?
video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt/crt-hyllian-glow/crt-hyllian.glsl
i guess, we have to use this instead :
video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt/crt-hyllian-glow/crt-hyllian-glow.glslp
We need to select the preset, not the shader. No ??
07/20/2014 at 21:31 in reply to: my retropie arcade is semi finish . thaks for all friends!!!! #17604dem1980
ParticipantAre you using retroarch for mega drive and snes ?
If yes, in retroarch you can change input for each system.dem1980
ParticipantIn my case, i had to do :
sudo chmod 777 /opt/retropie/emulators/gpsp/raspberrypi/gpsp.cfg
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/retropie/emulators/gpsp/raspberrypi/
gpsp config file is in this directory in 2.2 for me.dem1980
Participanti’m using 1080i display which is in 720p mode for emulationstation using /boot/config.txt (hdmi_mode=4, overscan_scale=1).
In 1080i, emulationstation menu is overscaned but in 720p it is fine.
I’m running gpsp at default setting “runcommand 4” and i have not overscan.
I have black borders in gpsp !dem1980
Participantuser pi hasn’t rights to write in the mame.cfg file.
So when you left a game and start a new game, the mame.cfg you configure in the last game had not been saved, because your user (pi) hadn’t the rights.
To make user pi has the rights you have tu type the command :
sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/retropie/
for all emulators
sudo chmod 777 /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all/mame.cfg
for only mame4alldem1980
ParticipantThank you for this post.
In point 4, be carefull to uppercase :
path = /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS
and not :
path = /home/pi/RetroPie/biosdem1980
Participantor you can log into console and type :
sudo chmod 777 /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all/mame.cfgand now pi user have rights to update this file from the game menu TAB
ParticipantIf you are using Mame4all and have trouble for checking crc rom, read this :
ParticipantI think that you forget to add some roms files in your folders roms !
Systems appears only when at least one rom is found in the directory of the system !dem1980
ParticipantWhen i (un)plug the dongle, my pi is always doing a reset.
ParticipantI have the same issue, the dongle become very hot after 30 min.
The same issue is on raspbian too.
When its’ hot, it seems that the wifi is very poor.dem1980
ParticipantEditing /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame.cfg and replacing the line
rompath=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mamenow MAME4All works ! thx
ParticipantThere is not the same problem with (MAME) mame4all ?
I have a lot of difficulties to run MAME with roms that worked with the 1.10.1 retropie.dem1980
i notice the same thing with the new version of PiFBA of June 2014.
With the previous version, of 2013, i hadn’t segmentation errors.
But Metal Slug runs fine with this version.
I’m using the dat that is in the pifba directory to build zip roms file.dem1980
ParticipantSame problem for me with the version v2.1
I have a lot of roms that work with version 1.10.1 with MAME using MAME4All.
I’m using the same roms/MAME directory, and MAME4All list a lot of missing roms.
For example, i use a bios which is ok but MAME4All doesn’t recognize it in the v2.1 bbut works with 1.10.1
is it possible that MAME4All doesn’t seen the rom diretory or something like that ??
In the es_system.cfg in the Mame section, the command is :
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 2 “/opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame %BASENAME%”</command>
it may be :
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 2 “/opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame %ROM%”</command>dem1980
ParticipantJ’adore ce thème !
Sometimes, i change my screen. I could plug my raspberry to my TV which is 1080p and sometimes, i plug it to an old 4:3 VGA screen and the resolution is 1024×768.
You could notice, that the 1st game is in the header of the game’s section.
There is way to have a skin nice in 1080p and nice in VGA-like ?
Thank youdem1980
ParticipantI have a similar problem.
When i copy the files from my Mac using Samba share (the easy way), i have my “rom.ext” and another file “._rom.ext” or something like that.
There a way that RetroPie browser ignores all files that begin with “.” ?
Thank you -