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  • #12235

    hi all,

    I was just wondering if it won’t be easier to keep a single thread to report issues and feedback? That way we’ll have a single entry to look at. Let me try anyway!

    1. during the upgrade process script won’t download the default “simple” theme from emulationstation’s website. (FIXED. Added to the image)

    2. the main configuration file es_systems.cfg is now located at /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg but a default and rather empty file was created under the home directory at ~./emulationstation/es_systems.cfg. The issue is that EmulationStation (ES) will look for the es_systems.cfg file in the following locations and in that order:


    meaning that if the file located at ~./emulationstation/ is not valid or empty (which is the case after the upgrade) for some reason, an error message is shown at ES startup.
    =>workaround: copy the file from /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg to ~./emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

    $ cp /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg ~./emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

    3. Permissions issue. It seems that lot of people can’t write or save their config files. This should be due to the new directories organization recently done.
    => possible workaround: HERE

    4. Samba shares. I have 3 (small) issues.
    4a. The first one is that the “msx” share is not appearing. Indeed there is no section in the “smb.conf” file (I’ve upgraded from a Retropie 1.9.1 image hence petrock may have fixed it in the recent builds
    => edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add this section at the end:

    comment = MSX
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/msx
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    read only = no
    browseable = yes
    force user = pi
    public = yes

    4b. second issue is with the “BIOSFILES” section. Again I’m upgrading from a 1.9.1 installation so it may have been fixed already. The “path” parameter is wrong and I had to change it for (please note that I had to create the “bios” directory also):

    comment = BIOSFILES
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/bios
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    read only = no
    browseable = yes
    force user = pi
    public = yes

    ** NEW ** 4c. EmulationStation 2.0 distinguishes between Megadrive/Genesis and Sega32x / SegaCD. Meaning that to be able to benefit from a specifically designed section within the frontend you have to split your roms/isos across different directories (namely megadrive, sega32x and segacd) in your “roms” folder. Once the “sega32x” and “segacd” folders are created edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add this section at the bottom of the file:

    comment = SEGA32X
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/sega32x
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    read only = no
    browseable = yes
    force user = pi
    public = yes
    comment = SEGACD
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/segacd
    writeable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    read only = no
    browseable = yes
    force user = pi
    public = yes

    restart Samba daemon by typing:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

    5. Mame doesn’t launch any roms.
    => Have a look at this thread:

    6. The es_systems.cfg file comes with wrong SegaCD paths. “By default” it is looking into the former “/home/pi/RetroPie/” directory. Editing this entry within es_systems.cfg to point to “/opt/retropie/” will fix this for sure.
    => (FIXED. Added to the image)

    hope this helps. Keep posting your issues here please!


    Thank you for this post.
    In point 4, be carefull to uppercase :
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS
    and not :
    path = /home/pi/RetroPie/bios


    hi i just copied the 2.2 Image on my rasbi(rev2). The Menu is just awesome. But i cant get N64 Emulation working. It seems to start the display is blurring but then i fall back to emulationstation. After reading the error it says sth like:
    Stopping Emulation at 3286
    Core status Rom closed
    I already tried different versions of roms z64, n64, v64 but always the same ist there an additiaonal config or bios necessary for n64 Emulation or what can help?


    I can confirm n64 does not launch roms from within ES. Launching the emulator direct from command line does work however. I’ve poked around with how es_systems.cfg launches n64 but can’t get it to work.

    Also on the retropie image SegaCD is looking in the /home/pi/RetroPie/ directory for the retro arch core. Editing the Segacd entry within es_systems.cfg to point to opt/retropie/….. fixes this.


    The Sega CD Path is fixed in Image v 2.2


    Just a though about future updates.

    I see many people have problems (me too…) configuring their controllers with each emulator separately.

    So.. is it possible to create a special menu (e.g inside emulationstation) with name like “Input Joypad config” (not the one in emulationstation by pressing the start key) so for us to be able to configure EVERY EMULATOR separately???

    Smth like this i mean:



    If I configure an xbox controller after setting up my USB SNES controllers, will ES automatically change to accommodate the appropriate controller? I would rarely use the 360 one after the issues I ran into with gsps but I need a controller with more buttons for psx emulation


    Has anyone else had problems deleting roms from inside EmulationStation?

    This is accessed when you push the Select button on your controller and go to the edit metadata choice. In there, you can delete a rom, but mine hangs before it can get back into ES. After I pull the plug and reboot, I do find that the rom is gone, though.


    Are you sure that it delete rom ? I think it delete rom’s informations but not rom…


    anyone found the solution for n64 . The Games not starting !


    It displays beautifully on my 1080p monitor but the image is cutoff around the edges on my 720p TV. Anyone know how to fix that? overscan is turned on and I’m using HDMI. Does anyone have everything working smoothly? If so, could you provide your retroarch.cfg so I could check it out?


    Another weird thing: I tried updating the image through the setup script and it added esconfig and a few other tweaks, but every time I quit a rom, it doesn’t load ES. I’ll just get a white screen that hangs, or a flickering black one and the rom will reboot. From the white screen I can use the keyboard to f4 back to prompt and thrn get back to ES but that is quite a hassle and not the seemless experience I want. This could be my fault for tinkering too far in the wrong direction but if someone has an answer it would be nice to know.


    [quote=13262]It displays beautifully on my 1080p monitor but the image is cutoff around the edges on my 720p TV. Anyone know how to fix that? overscan is turned on and I’m using HDMI. Does anyone have everything working smoothly? If so, could you provide your retroarch.cfg so I could check it out?[/quote]

    I have the same problem with cut off. Do you mean when EmulationStation is running and you want to select which system to play? I have just posted a more detailed message here.


    VGA mode and overscan

    First things first. If you have an HDTV and the Raspberry Pi is connected via HDMI to it, I highly recommend you switch to VGA Mode. This is for a better performance (1080p/720p vs. 480p) in emulationstation and the emulators run anyway in 480p. HDMI Group 1 stands for CEA and Mode 1 is VGA. More Infos here. You should also set the overscan scale to one. Otherwise emulationstation doesn’t start or the scaling is incorrect.




    hi Guys,

    @billipo: to play with metadata on the current EmulationStation 2.0 release could be tricky and lead to crash anytime you try manipulating the gamelist.xml file. A bug report has been filled by Aloshi himself (HERE). The good news is that Aloshi is implementing sqlite to get rid of this gamelist.xml file (instead it will be kind of small database, easier to manipulate and also use less resource).

    , smatticus, Grayson: don’t forget to include the following parameter in your /boot/config.txt if you’re using a newer firmware on your Pi (starting from firmwares/kernels after the 24th of May).


    As mentioned in a previous post at this location:

    as Grayson said I strongly advise you to run the emulators at the VGA resolution. Yet it’s definitely possible to run ES at 720p (1080p doesn’t work for me) and have the resolution to switch to VGA by playing with the “ <number>” script.

    : n64 emulation on Pi is delicate but lot of progress is being made these days since the release of an even better optimized version of mupen. More here:

    hope this helps.


    I ran into an issue. I tried installing es-config from, because I was curious how it worked. I don’t know how it did it, but I lost my audio afterwards. I am running through HDMI. I tried doing all the audio fixes (forcing through HDMI, etc.), but nothing worked. I tried changing the audio settings in es-config in emulationstation, and I got audio back once, but not again after that. I tried in retropie_setup as well to no avail. I finally just rebuilt RetroArch, and all the packages at the bottom of the script (the ones after the emulators… SDL, etc.), and my sound came back.


    [quote=14085]VGA mode and overscan

    First things first. If you have an HDTV and the Raspberry Pi is connected via HDMI to it, I highly recommend you switch to VGA Mode. This is for a better performance (1080p/720p vs. 480p) in emulationstation and the emulators run anyway in 480p. HDMI Group 1 stands for CEA and Mode 1 is VGA. More Infos here. You should also set the overscan scale to one. Otherwise emulationstation doesn’t start or the scaling is incorrect.




    Thanks, this helped. I added the overscan_scale=1 to the config.txt and then I was able to fine tune the overscan settings so that everything fit perfectly on my TV. For some reason, without the ovescan_scale=1 in the config.txt, the GUI for ES would not scale properly, but once I added this line it worked!

    Once I realised the overscan_scale=1 was required, I then changed the other settings to:


    This put my TV in 720p mode and then everything fit perfectly on the screen, plus it was HD and there was no slow-down with the games running at this resolution too.


    In the readme for RetroPie-Setup, it states:

    The script is executed with

    cd RetroPie-Setup
    chmod +x
    sudo ./

    chmod +x gives an error message.
    sudo chmod +x probably works, as it doesn’t give any message at all.

    Should the be revised to add sudo to the chmod command? Or is the chmod command even necessary anymore? I think when I installed and and had no idea what was going on, I followed these steps exactly and it may have still worked… I don’t really recall.


    ScummVM games are not showing up, this is due to the systems-file looking for .EXE-files. I solved this by writing a “custom” launcher script for scummvm:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ID=$(cat "$1")
    scummvm $ID

    The file $ID is a textfile named after the game containing scummVMs ID for the game. I’ve got comi for Curse_of_Monkey_Island for example.

    Just put .scm-files in your scummvm-folder with the ID of the game and nothing more

    Change the launcher-command in es_systems.cfg to point at the script.


    Deleting games from EmulationStation is not working for me… exits emulationstation without an error. Is working for someone?


    Scraping of games sometimes crash emulation station, I suspect that it’s due to the image-file being in an unexpected format. It happens everytime if I use thegamesdb instead of thearchive as a scraper source.


    Can’t get Basiliskii to run so I tried to run the installer on it and get this message:

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Getting sources for Macintosh emulator
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    /opt/retropie/emulators/basiliskii /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup
    Already up-to-date.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Building Macintosh emulator
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    /opt/retropie/emulators/basiliskii /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup

    You must have autoconf installed to compile Basilisk II.
    Download the appropriate package for your distribution,
    or get the source tarball at

    **Error**: Missing aclocal. The version of automake
    installed doesn’t appear recent enough.
    (or a newer version if it is available)
    /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/emulators/ line 13: ./configure: No such file or directory
    make: *** No rule to make target `clean’. Stop.
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Installing Macintosh emulator
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    /opt/retropie/emulators/basiliskii /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup
    make: *** No rule to make target `install’. Stop.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Configuring Macintosh emulator
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    touch: cannot touch `/opt/retropie/roms/basiliskii/Start.txt’: No such file or directory


    I got all set up on 2.2 had blast making work, and my kid even enjoyed playing some of the older games.

    Then I updated to 2.3 and my SNES controller went hinkey on me. Everything still works, but now the down button on the controller does double duty and is also the “B” button. I re-ran the retroarch-joyconfig, but that didn’t help anything at all.

    So I just went back a reloaded 2.2 and now everything is fine again. I was curious if this has happened to any one else and if they figured out what caused it.


    first – many thanks for this great work. I installed emustation 2 and it looks very well.
    Next step is xbmc as application to start( like ultraslim by takeover83) . i try the multi loader berryvoat but a “squshfs”-version of the image is needet. i (Linux-noob) try to convert……… no chance. is it possible to release a image in this format ??
    or any idea xbmc to integrate as “emulator” ???

    thanks in advance


    [quote=17319]Deleting games from EmulationStation is not working for me… exits emulationstation without an error. Is working for someone?[/quote]
    Please report any issues that are related to EmulationStation in the corresponding issue list at

    That is the most systematic way for handling issues around EmulationStation.


    [quote=17726]Scraping of games sometimes crash emulation station, I suspect that it’s due to the image-file being in an unexpected format. It happens everytime if I use thegamesdb instead of thearchive as a scraper source.[/quote]
    Please report any issues that are related to EmulationStation in the corresponding issue list at

    That is the most systematic way for handling issues around EmulationStation.


    In order to get the basiliskII to work there are some dependencies. Requires

    sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf mingw32 

    sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0

    To build the Basilisk II GUI. Otherwise the Basiliskii fails on install.


    In order to get the basiliskII to work there are some dependencies. Requires

    sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf mingw32

    sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0

    To build the Basilisk II GUI. Otherwise the Basiliskii fails on install.


    This is the command in emulation station that starts mupen64 and generates the n64 seg fault everyone is encountering.
    /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "cd /opt/retropie/emulators/mupen64plus-rpi/test/ && ./mupen64plus %ROM%"
    I don’t see anything immediately wrong with it (for instance, the path exists on my system and there is a file called mupen64plus there), but I’m not an expert. I do notice that none of the other commands in the es_systems.cfg file perform a cd first and THEN a separate run command. Maybe that is the source of the error?


    I have two things, one is a suggestion for the setup script, and another is a question:

    1. I think the source-based installation option should have a select none and select all function. A lot of times we may be trying to update one emulator, and we have to hit down and space on everything to uncheck them.

    2. OpenMSX does not seem to work. First of all, if there are parenthesis in the ROM name, it gets a syntax error for an unexpected token ( and ). Then , if you remove the parenthesis from the file name, it still won’t run, and says Couldn’t load game database
    Failed to initialize default machine: Error in “C-BIOS_MSX2+” machine:
    machines/C-BIOS_MSX2+.xml not found in this context


    The latest 2.3 pre-installed image white screens during boot when I have N64, PSX, GBA or MAME roms and BIOS installed. There is a whole thread on it for more detail.

    RetroPie white screens during loadup with certain roms installed




    I am using emulationstation 2.2 and i cant figure out how to setup the controls for Neo Geo (pifba). I looked into the fba2x.cfg and the gamepad buttons are the same as in retroarch.cfg. So it should work but it doesn’t. Even on the keyboard i am only able to press coin and start. Nothing else works…


    I am using emulationstation 2.3 with berryboot. Thereare two problems.

    A) Whenever I change the password with “sudo passwd”, this setting is gone on the next reboot. It goes back to “raspberry”. Other changes to the system seem to be persistent though.

    B) I also have Retropie 1.10 installed (which in contrast to 2.3 runs rather flawlessly) and want to share the roms with the 2.3 system.
    When I use a symbolic link, this works perfectly until reboot.

    ln -s /media/usb0/data/retropie_110/home/pi/Retropie/roms /home/pi/Retropie/

    After a reboot the link is gone and instead I always find a roms folder with all the subfolders for the different systems. They are all empty though. Admittedly, the link connects two different filesystems (ex4 and squashfs), but as far as I know this should not be a problem.


    I tried setting it the old way 1.x worked with my PS3 controllers.

    I am unable to exit emulators with PS button and unable to show the OSD Menu with the Reload option in emulationstation so it is taking new roms to the GUI.

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