Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project RetroPie 2.0 and EDIMAX Wifi Stick Problem

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  • #11638

    Hello Community

    I have the common EDIMAX EW-7811UN USB Wifi DONGLE connected to my Raspberry Pi B, and under the old Version of Emulation Station (1.1.0 I think) and Raspian it usually worked fine. When I now try to use the dongle with EmuStation 2.0 it becomes super hot within 30 seconds and I start to smell burned plastics…I plugged it both into the raspberry pi usb directly and into my usb hub and both times this heating up problem arises….the stick itself works fine though..

    Any thoughts on how to fix that or might it the be a bug with the new version? For now I have switched to my lan cable…


    Ya sure it ain’t a coincidence? I’m using 2.0 and the same dongle without issue.


    Okay so I guess my dongle is broken


    I have the same issue, the dongle become very hot after 30 min.
    The same issue is on raspbian too.
    When its’ hot, it seems that the wifi is very poor.


    My signal quality is good but now I have the issue that raspberry pi powers itself off whenever it plug the dongle into tis usb?!? What is the reason for that?


    When i (un)plug the dongle, my pi is always doing a reset.


    Whenever I unplug or plugin the USB wifi, my pi will reboot.

    I have noticed the behavior you mention now, where the usb stick seems to get warm, and the connectivity goes to hell.

    I have switched to a different brand wifi for now since I couldn’t seem to troubleshoot the issue.

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