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  • jplaj

    I need to switch disks on PSX, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. From what I gather, I need to open RGUI. However, I can’t seem to do that.

    None of the buttons on my keyboard opens it up.

    Binding keys in my config files (both Retroarch and PSX configs):

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_menu_toggle_btn = 3
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_disk_eject_toggle_btn = 4
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_disk_next_btn = 5

    –doesn’t work either. (Also, if it helps–and I could be wrong–I’m not sure those three commands were in my original config file when I first set up the system)

    I know other people can open the menu and switch disks, so does anyone know what might be wrong with my system that I can’t do that?

    Thanks for your help.


    I got to the end of the first disk in the game I was playing, only to find out it didn’t ask me to save before switching to disk 2.

    I suspect I could just use a savestate, then rename the file for the savestate to match the name of disk 2 (I haven’t tried it yet because I started having booting errors while troubleshooting), but I wanted to know if there was an easier way.

    I wrote down a hotkey command for a toggle_disc_eject= and toggle_disc_next=, which means I must have seen it in a config file somewhere, but it doesn’t seem to work on my system.

    Any thoughts?


    I’ve been messing with this problem all day.

    I’m not using a SNES controller, but a cheap Twin USB controller (this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006AAM55W/ref=pe_385721_37038051_pe_217191_31005151_3p_M3T1_dp_1)

    It works flawlessly in emulationstation and in SNES games, my retroarch.cfg file got this input:

    input_player1_joypad_index = “0”
    input_player1_b_btn = “2”
    input_player1_y_btn = “3”
    input_player1_select_btn = “8”
    input_player1_start_btn = “9”
    input_player1_up_axis = “-3”
    input_player1_down_axis = “+3”
    input_player1_left_axis = “-2”
    input_player1_right_axis = “+2”
    input_player1_a_btn = “1”
    input_player1_x_btn = “0”
    input_player1_l_btn = “4”
    input_player1_r_btn = “5”
    input_player1_l2_btn = “6”
    input_player1_r2_btn = “7”

    input_player2_joypad_index = “1”
    input_player2_b_btn = “2”
    input_player2_y_btn = “3”
    input_player2_select_btn = “8”
    input_player2_start_btn = “9”
    input_player2_up_axis = “-3”
    input_player2_down_axis = “+3”
    input_player2_left_axis = “-2”
    input_player2_right_axis = “+2”
    input_player2_a_btn = “1”
    input_player2_x_btn = “0”
    input_player2_l_btn = “4”
    input_player2_r_btn = “5”
    input_player2_l2_btn = “6”
    input_player2_r2_btn = “7”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”

    and both controllers works.

    But in megadrive and master system nothing works :(

    i’ve tried figureing out how to get it to work, but nothing i try makes it work as inteded. My R2 button works as start, and it seems that my a, b and x works like the same button.
    Even with the keyboard stuff turned off with # the keyboard arrows works fine, but the gamepads d-pad don’t work at all.

    This is my current dgenrc joypad conf part.

    joy_pad1_up = joistick0-axis-3-min
    joy_pad1_down = joistick0-axis-3-max
    joy_pad1_left = joistick0-axis-2-min
    joy_pad1_right = joistick0-axis-2-max
    joy_pad1_a = joistick0-button2
    joy_pad1_b = joistick0-button3
    joy_pad1_c = joistick0-button1
    joy_pad1_x = joistick0-button0
    joy_pad1_y = joistick0-button6
    joy_pad1_z = joistick0-button7
    joy_pad1_mode = joistick0-button8
    joy_pad1_start = joistick0-button9

    I tried to do input assign through the graphical setup in emulationstation, but when trying to save the file, all i get is
    “Script error” [A]

    any help is greatly appreciated!


    In reply to: SNES pad configuration


    After hours and hours its finally working for me.
    Thanks jplaj for the help.

    nicenietzsche this is the only thing I changed from the retroarch.cfg file:

    # Joypad buttons.
    # Figure these out by using RetroArch-Phoenix or retroarch-joyconfig.
    # You can use joypad hats with hnxx, where n is the hat, and xx is a string representing direction.
    # E.g. “h0up”
    input_player1_a_btn = 1
    input_player1_b_btn = 2
    input_player1_y_btn = 3
    input_player1_x_btn = 0
    input_player1_start_btn = 9
    input_player1_select_btn = 8
    input_player1_l_btn = 4
    input_player1_r_btn = 5
    input_player1_left_btn = “h0left”
    input_player1_right_btn = “h0right”
    input_player1_up_btn = “h0up”
    input_player1_down_btn = “h0down”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_exit_emulator_btn = 9

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_save_state_btn = 4

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_load_state_btn = 5

    # Axis for RetroArch D-Pad.
    # Needs to be either ‘+’ or ‘-‘ in the first character signaling either positive or negative direction of the axis, then the axis number.
    # Do note that every other input option has the corresponding _btn and _axis binds as well; they are omitted here for clarity.
    input_player1_left_axis = -0
    input_player1_right_axis = +0
    input_player1_up_axis = -1
    input_player1_down_axis = +1

    I’m using a SNES USB controller too.
    if you want I can send you or post the whole file.

    Thanks again jplaj.


    In reply to: Emulators not saving?


    Hmm… that’s an interesting scenario. See if you can edit the retroarch.cfg file directly. If you can, read through it; not only can you set up save states, but there’s a long list of neat things you can do, including screenshots and recording videos. You’ll just have to bind them to hotkeys (I have mine bound to select + L, for “load”, and select + R, for “remember”(save)):

    input_enable_hotkey =
    input_save_state =

    input_enable_hotkey =
    input_load_state =

    Also, I’d have to check this later, but I think you need to add _btn or _axis to each of those functions to tell them whether they’re using buttons or the D-pad.

    While you’re there, could you copy and paste your autosave line to this thread? I’d like to see what might be the problem.

    Finally, I’m not sure what you mean when you say you got Brave Fencer Musashi working, but it wouldn’t recognize the BIOS. Could you describe your problem in more detail? If PSX doesn’t recognize the BIOS, the game shouldn’t work at all. However, I’ve found that “No BIOS found” doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem with the BIOS.


    Alright, I have been playing with the RetroPie setup on a Model A board for the past week, and here is what I have figured out so far…

    I first want to say “Great work!” I have loved having all my games in one place. It is like a 10 year old’s dream come true (I’m 31).

    1. I wish I would have gotten the Model B board for the 2 USB ports, i.e. easy 2 player controller setup without a USB hub.

    2. There is no documentation that I found about loading ROMs without networking into the RPi.

    The way I devised to load them is almost necessary on the Model A board because of no Ethernet. You can F4 (on a keyboard) out of Emulation Station, type “startx” at the command line, plug a USB memory stick into a powered USB hub, navigate with mouse or keyboard to the file browser at the bottom left of the desktop interface.
    Here, you cannot simply click on your USB drive from the sources list at the left for some reason, but you can click the up arrow on the navigation bar at the top to go to the root directory. Navigate to the media folder, and then open USB0 in there. You should find your folders that are on your USB drive. Copy the ROMs you want to carry over to the RPi and then navigate to the Pi folder in the sources list on the left side of the window. Go into RetroPie and then the roms folder. Paste them into the specific folder for whatever system they go with.

    Click log out at the bottom left and then type sudo reboot. Whenever it restarts, the emulator associated with the ROMs you just pasted should be available!

    3. When I use retroarch-joyconfig from the command line, I can go through all the button presses for up down, etc., but those button presses do not seem to be saved in the RetroPie->configs->all folder’s retroarch.cfg file.

    This is probably well documented in other places, but I want to do so again because it may save someone some searching. Maybe they are not supposed to.
    However, if I manually edit the aforementioned retroarch.cfg file manually, the settings stick for all emulators.
    Unfortunately, this is not good for emulators that do not use the same buttons as you just programmed, i.e. NES buttons would probably use the Y button on an SNES button pad for the B button. Thankfully, the creators of the RetroPie distro were forward thinking and provided extra retroarch.cfg files in separate folders under RetroPie->configs. Here, you can copy and paste the lines of code that would be different for that specific emulator. For example, I copied the X,Y,B,A button code from the main retroarch.cfg file and pasted it in the SNES retroarch.cfg file. That way, my main cfg can be set up for NES and the SNES cfg will override those buttons when I open an SNES ROM. Beautiful.

    4. Programming extra buttons for extra functions is amazing.

    I have a PlayStation style USB controller, the Logitech Precision to be precise. It has four shoulder buttons… L1 through R2. NES and SNES do not need many of those buttons, so they can be programmed in the retroarch.cfg file to do lots of cool things! Things like dumping a ROM and taking you back to Emulation Station, rewinding a game, saving/loading your current state (I have not gotten this one to work yet), and other cool things.
    Dumping the ROM is probably the most useful. Look toward the bottom of the main retroarch.cfg file for the lines enable_hotkey and exit_emulator and get rid of the # at the beginning of each of those lines (uncomment them).

    5. The menu in Emulation Station is really great and should be used for more.

    I like the option of rebooting the RPi or shutting down from inside Emulation Station with just the gamepad. I am going to post a separate “wish list” that I hope will become a place for people to add things they would like to see in future releases of RetroPie.

    6. Composite (Yellow RCA) out does not work unless you manually change something in the emulators folder.

    I know that there are other threads documenting that people are working on this, but I wanted to put it in here for those that might not know about it. I reflashed my entire set SD card because I thought it was corrupted. Then! I found the thread about the setting.

    I guess that’s it for this list. Hopefully it will help some of those that are new to the RetroPie. Again, great work! Please continue.


    I mapped select + start as the hotkey to exit the emulators on my controller, but it doesn’t work for the master system intellivision, or game gear.

    Select and Start are buttons 8 and 9 respectively on my controller, so I’m not sure if it’s because those emulators don’t recognize those buttons or not.



    It’s beginning to look like what I want to do with hotkeys simply won’t work. Still, I’m interested in how the programming itself works. Is there anyone who might be able to give me a mini-lesson?



    I’d like to get PSX up and running, but I’ve been running into a few walls. I posted the questions I’ve had here:

    PSX Not finding bios . . . anywhere

    Can I use hotkeys to set up R2 and L2 buttons?

    –but still haven’t been able to do much of anything, as I’ve only successfully been able to run one image file, and I haven’t found anyone who can teach me about the hotkey functions.

    So I’m wondering, does anyone have PSX working reliably on their raspberry pi? I’d be curious to know how you set it up. Let me know what you did, and the more detail the better.



    I’ve been playing around with it more and I’m still stumped. After trying a few different configurations, I’ve determined that the input_player_btn commands simply aren’t being tied to the hotkey command listed before them.

    Is there any way to do this, or do hotkeys only work with specific commands?


    After setting up my system, I thought I might as well try to configure some of the other emulators that I previously wasn’t interested in, so I have SNES controllers and an interest in PSX.

    I’d like to know more about the hotkey function, since I need a way to use R2 and L2 on a controller that doesn’t have those buttons. My current setup is:

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8 
    input_exit_emulator_btn = 9
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_save_state_btn = 4
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_load_state_btn = 5

    All three of these features work very well. I thought I’d play around with the settings to see if I can get it to work. Logically, I thought that to setup a regular gameplay input, I could remove “input_player1_a_btn = 1” from the list of regular inputs, then add:

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
    input_player1_a_btn = 1

    (Working out the problem with a common button on SNES seemed quicker than actually going into PSX and trying to input the secondary shoulder buttons)

    The problem is, the controller still picks up button 1 as the A button, even wen I don’t press button 8. So it seems like it’s still picking up that last line as regular code, not linked to the previous hotkey line.

    Is it possible to do what I’m asking, and use L and R as L1 and R1, then use a hotkey to make them L2 and R2?

    As always, thank you for your help.


    In my own case, I’ve found that setting a hotkey to make a save state works just fine as long as you save before attempting to exit the game. Regular save points don’t seem to work well (the kind that actually come with the game), but as far as I know, cutting the power doesn’t seem to affect my save states.


    As far as I know there is no pre configured gamepad button combination that will gring you back to the main menu. I think you have to go into the config files of the emulators you are using and set up those combinations yourself. For Retro Arch you can add a line the following lines to the config file in RetroPie/configs/all

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
    input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"

    This will allow you to close out of the emulator when you hold the Back Button (button 8) and press the Start Button (button 9).
    If you are using gpSP you can load the emulator without a game (go to the folder that holds the gpsp script and type ./gpsp) This gives you options to change your gamepad button configuration as well as enabling a preset button combination to close out (select and right trigger I believe)

    As of yet I haven’t used any of the other emulators yet so I haven’t looked into their specific configs.

    Hope this helped


    This is what I would try. First type

    jstest /dev/input/js0

    this will let you see what buttons are being pushed on the joystick, so write down what each button number is associated with, and the axis’s of your joystick.

    ctrl-c exits the jstest

    Now you need to edit /RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg manually with the correct button numbers you found using jstest. Here is an example of mine. The last two lines are so I can press two buttons to exit the emulation.

    input_player1_joypad_index = "0"
    input_player1_a_btn = "0"
    input_player1_b_btn = "1"
    input_player1_y_btn = "3"
    input_player1_x_btn = "2"
    input_player1_start_btn = "7"
    input_player1_select_btn = "6"
    input_player1_l_btn = "4"
    input_player1_r_btn = "5"
    input_player1_up_axis = "-1"
    input_player1_down_axis = "+1"
    input_player1_left_axis = "-0"
    input_player1_right_axis = "+0"
    #input_player1_l2_btn =
    #input_player1_r2_btn =
    #input_player1_l3_btn =
    #input_player1_r3_btn =
    input_player2_joypad_index = "1"
    input_player2_a_btn = "0"
    input_player2_b_btn = "1"
    input_player2_y_btn = "3"
    input_player2_x_btn = "2"
    input_player2_start_btn = "7"
    input_player2_select_btn = "6"
    input_player2_l_btn = "4"
    input_player2_r_btn = "5"
    input_player2_up_axis = "-1"
    input_player2_down_axis = "+1"
    input_player2_left_axis = "-0"
    input_player2_right_axis = "+0"
    #input_player2_l2_btn =
    #input_player2_r2_btn =
    #input_player2_l3_btn =
    #input_player2_r3_btn =
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6"
    input_exit_emulator_btn = "7"

    Attached is the full configuration file in case yours was blank like mine was. Good Luck


    I had a look into this issue now. You need to edit /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg to have these lines:

    #input_save_state_btn = 4
    #input_load_state_btn = 5
    #input_enable_hotkey_btn = 6
    #input_exit_emulator_btn = 7
    #input_rewind_btn = 3

    Basically, this disabled the hotkey functionalities of the game pads and RetroArch listens to the keyboard again. I will update the RetroPie Script and the SD-card image accordingly, so that they work out-of-the-box with the RetroPie GPIO Adapter again.

    Raygan Kelly

    I just added the following to gpsp_input.cfg:

    btn_quit = 0

    I used the X button on my SNES controller. Since the GBA only had two buttons, the X and Y buttons are unused. No need to use your Select button (which is used more often than you might think in GBA games.)

    I haven’t yet figured out if there is a hotkey I can add for save or load states, but SRAM saves work fine.

    Raygan Kelly

    I was able to sort things out by completely tossing out gpsp and reinstalling it manually by cloning from GitHub and compiling it.

    I used this port.

    I’m not sure which fork of gpsp RetroPie-Setup is installing, but Aloshi just updated his/her port today(!!!), and it now includes the ability to map keys with a config file as well as set hotkeys for things like exiting the emulator. It’s now a good RetroPie citizen. I’ve been able to launch games from the menu, play at full speed, and quit back to the menu when done.

    Just clone the repo, cd into the raspberrypi directory, and run “make”. Then create the gpsp_input.cfg file according to the instructions in INPUT.md, and customize with your gamepad’s keys, and edit .emulationstation/es_systems.cfg to point to the newly compiled gpsp.

    I haven’t figured out if there’s a way to map multiple-button hotkeys like you can do with RetroArch, or if I can map a hotkeys for savestates, but it’s definitely playable.


    So I’ve managed to solder on both of the extensioncable connectors to the GPIO adapter and I can jstest both of them with perfect response. However when I setup the RPi with PetRock’s RetroPie image at first I did not bother to give it any hotkeys with the controllers and closed it instead. For now I do not seem to be able to set any hotkeys that is working with either controllers or keyboard in the emulationstation.

    How do I reconfigure emulationstation so it works with the SNES controllers or a keyboard.. I mean so I can choose which emulator to use and what game to play with either, at the moment I’m not getting past the Apple emulator.

    Where do i set hotkeys for emulationstation? Also tried retroarch-joyconfig -o ~/Retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and when I update controller 1 everything is saved but emulationstation does not respond to any of this..

    best regards


    [quote=1532]Thanks. That certainly helps explain why the behavior is not the same. Would you happen to have any idea how to add a custom exit button to the config? Say I wanted “Select” to just be the exit button in Genesis? And since you’re not sure if there’s a way to replicate the “hotkey” aspect, do you know if there’s any way to create some other sort of button combination? For instance, I could have whatever command functions as exit “=joystick0-button9 + joystick0-button8″? Sorry for inundating you with questions. Like I said, I’m just totally new and trying to get the hang of this stuff. [/quote]

    i mapped joystick0-button6 (which is the L2 button) to joy_quit and it exits the game back to emulationstation.  i cant figure out how to make it a 2 button press so that you dont accidentally exit the game by pressing that button though.


    does anyone have a full list of all the possible inputs for the retroarch.cfg file?

    im trying to map one of the buttons to save/load states to a button, but im not sure what the input_player1_xxxxxx part is supposed to say.

    im pretty sure its possible because i was just pressing random buttons on my keyboard and it was saving/loading my NES games, but i cant figure out the mapping for my controller.  everything else is working except for this.

    this is my mapping for a logitech rumblepad 2:

    input_player1_joypad_index = “0”

    input_player1_a_btn = “2”

    input_player1_b_btn = “1”

    input_player1_x_btn = “3”

    input_player1_y_btn = “0”

    input_player1_l_btn = “4”

    input_player1_r_btn = “5”

    input_player1_l2_btn = “6”

    input_player1_r2_btn = “7”

    input_player1_l3_btn = “10”

    input_player1_r3_btn = “11”

    input_player1_start_btn = “9”

    input_player1_select_btn = “8”

    input_player1_left_axis = “-0”

    input_player1_up_axis = “-1”

    input_player1_right_axis = “+0”

    input_player1_down_axis = “+1”

    input_player1_l_x_plus_btn = “h0right”

    input_player1_l_y_plus_btn = “h0up”

    input_player1_l_x_minus_btn = “h0left”

    input_player1_l_y_minus_btn = “h0down”

    input_player1_r_x_plus_axis = “+2”

    input_player1_r_y_plus_axis = “+3”

    input_player1_r_x_minus_axis = “-2”

    input_player1_r_y_minus_axis = “-3”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”

    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”



    Thanks. That certainly helps explain why the behavior is not the same.

    Would you happen to have any idea how to add a custom exit button to the config? Say I wanted “Select” to just be the exit button in Genesis?

    And since you’re not sure if there’s a way to replicate the “hotkey” aspect, do you know if there’s any way to create some other sort of button combination? For instance, I could have whatever command functions as exit “=joystick0-button9 + joystick0-button8”?

    Sorry for inundating you with questions. Like I said, I’m just totally new and trying to get the hang of this stuff.


    The Genesis emulator used in retropie right now is not part of retroarch. So changing stuff in the retroarch.cfg won’t change anything in that specific emulator. In your config/all/ folder lies a second config file next to your retroarch.cfg. It’s called dgen.* (don’t remeber the exact name). That’s the file you’re looking for. When you open the file you will see that it already has configured bindings for your gamepad. To change your select & start button on  the gamepad just switch the values of the two entries:

    joy_pad1_mode = joystick0-button9
    “joy_pad1_start  = joystick0-button8

    I don’t now if it is even possible within DGEN (the Genesis emulator) to emulate the behavior of the hotkey button thingy in retroarch, but you can add a custom exit button to that config.

    Hope I could help you & good luck changing the config.


    So I’m having a bit of an odd problem…

    I modified my Retroarch.cfg file to include:
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”

    Where 8 and 9 are the select and starts buttons on my USB SNES controller. In the NES, SNES, and GBA emulators, pressing start and select backs on out to Emulation Station.

    However, on Genesis nothing happens. I’ve also noticed that in Genesis games, the select button is actually functioning as start.
    Maybe those are correlated? I also can’t seem to find any Genesis or Megadrive .cfg file to look into when I’m exploring in LXDE. But I’m very new to this, so I might be missing something.
    If anybody has any suggestions or knows why this is happening, advice is appreciated. Thanks.


    in my searches for fixing my previous issue I came across this:


    Which means….

    if you add( for my SNES controllers button6 is select and button 7 is start):
     input_enable_hotkey_btn = 6
    input_exit_emulator_btn = 7
    To your retroarch.cfg you csn now exit the emulator by holding select then pressing start.

    Just though I’d share :)


    In reply to: Snes Emulation

    Moises Jimenez

    I’m trying to map a “save state” to a ps2 controllers  L2 button and a “load state”  to the R2 button using the following commands,

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “10”

    input_exit_emulator_btn = “11”

    input_save_state = “4”

    input_load_state = “5”

    Still haven’t had it working, any advice?


    This helps a lot!

    This one works really fine :)


    The idea is to set a key that must be held to use hot keys (such as select) with “input_enable_hotkey_btn = 1” and then an exit key (such as start), which will now only work if the enable hot key button is held down, with “input_exit_emulator_btn = 2”.[/qoute]


    I am thinking about two ways right now:

    Software approach: You can configure RetroArch such that it uses a combination of a hotkey together with a certain button of the game pad the exit the emulator. There is an entry in the wiki about that at https://github.com/retropie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Does-anybody-know-if-there%27s-a-way-to-edit-the-retroarch.cfg-to-give-me-the-ability-to-exit-an-emulator-by-using-the-controller%3F. I have not tried that on my own yet, but I would be curious to know if it works as intended!

    Hardware approach: You could attach a momentary push button to one of the GPIO pins, just as the RetroPie GPIO adapter does. You could then poll the state of the button, e.g., with SNESDev (https://github.com/petrockblog/SNESDev-RPi) and perform certain action, when certain events have happened. SNESDev has implemented a three state automaton with this functionality:

    • press and hold: send “r” key (for rewind function of RetroArch)
    • press and release three times: send “ESC”
    • press and release five times: shutdown

    I hope that helps!?

Viewing 27 results - 1,051 through 1,077 (of 1,077 total)