Category Archives: RetroPie Project

Design File for Acrylic Gaming Case Available for Download Now

The acrylic case “Petrockblock Pie” was presented some time ago. The design files for that case were not publicly available until now and I have decided to change that: You can find the design now in the Downloads section! These are the original design files that I used to order the cases from Ponoko / Formulor. I […]

Xarcade2Jstick – Map your Xarcade Tankstick to Game Pads and use it with RetroPie

The Xarcade Tankstick is a nicely designed and very robustly constructed arcade game controller. It offers buttons and joysticks for two players together with start and coin buttons, an arcade trackball, and dedicated pinball buttons. Being asked, if RetroPie could have in-built support for the Xarcade Tankstick I started to dig into this controller which, […]

RetroPie Project Contest would like to invite you to a cool contest around the RetroPie Project! One good thing about it is that it does not involve much effort to take part. The contest is going to be taking place on the forum. We will be choosing two lucky winners to receive each a brand new Raspberry […]

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