Forum Replies Created
By default OpenELEC will only mount the /flash folder (where the boot partition is mounted) as read only so this prevents you editing the config.txt file. You can easily mount it yourself though as read/write of you want and that will allow you to edit the config file.
I’m out and about at the moment so can’t remember the mount tags you need to do this but Google should be able to tell you.
If anyone would care to try it, I have made a ‘RetroPie’ add-on for OpenELEC for use in my Dual-Boot builds. See below:
This allows you to use whatever skin you want – feel free to chop and change as you wish without worrying about losing my RetroPie script (even works in standard Confluence!). It also means that the whole process is contained within this add-on, meaning no more separate /ss/ or /noobs/ folders – they are all inside the add-on itself.
Few notes – This is ONLY for OpenELEC and ONLY for a Dual-Boot setup, but Triple-Boot and also OSMC add-ons will follow.
Let me know your thoughts if you try it out. :)
ParticipantOk here is a RetroPie 3.6, OpenELEC 6.0.8 & Raspbian “Jessie” triple-boot build:
Enjoy! :)
All the best.
Participant@nitrus – thanks! :) I too am surprised that the official NOOBS does not support USB install yet. To me it is an absolute must. Another great feature would be to allow more file format support, rather than just FAT32. That would open the door to making a full backup of my system and install it again via NOOBS. Maybe one day.
Here is the Github page for the USB install version:
ParticipantHmmm… Looks the same to me from the outset, but I’ll take your word for it as I don’t use Plex at all! I’ll check it out tonight.
Participant[quote=120654]Many thanks for the rasplex build. Seems to work fine. Can you post a tutorial on how to add the retropie shortcut to a skin? I wish to add the Aeon Nox skin.
Haha I thought you were being sarcastic when you asked for the Aeon skin a few posts up because most people hate on that skin! Had I of realised I would have left in in as a second option.
I am at work now but will post instructions on how to get the script to work on Aeon when I get home because I can’t quite remember it off the top of my head. Its very easy, but it’s a Python command rather than bash which I’m not clued up on. Something like Subprocess.Import(/storage/ss/, but I’ll confirm later.
Well I’m glad it works anyway so thanks for confirming.
ParticipantHere is a Rasplex 1.0.1 & RetroPie 3.6 Dual Boot build:
Good news for RasPLEX fans is that I have finally found a way to incorporate my scripts into the standard ‘Plex’ skin, so no need for ‘Aeon’ skin anymore! :)
Here is a video of it in action:
Click here to viewPlease let me know what you think, if you try it.
All the best.
Hi Smithers,
I would very much love to have that script. It is very much a hustle going to everyone houses to fix a problem so will very much be appreciated.
Everything you are doing is great.
Thanks for everything.[/quote]
Ok no problem – check out this link for further info and a download of my script:
I havent done it yet but I will make a simple KODI build with a non-standard skin and some background pictures included (no addons!), and upload it as a proof of concept test file that my example script will link to, should you wish to test it.
Download link RetroPie 3.6 & OpenELEC 6.0.3 and RetroPie 3.6 & OSMC 2016.02-3 is the same (only OpenELEC not OSMC)[/quote]
You’re right – well spotted! Not sure how I managed to mess that up but it is corrected now, thanks for pointing it out!
Participant[quote=120404]Not trying to be an ass, but will there be a triple boot image for RP3 also?
I suddenly got the urge tu use the RP as a computer as well! When/if that happens, can I just copy the .Kodi folder and the PI folder to transfer all my roms, settings, bios etc? Thanks!
Haha, yes there will be. I aim to get it done this week, just a bit busy with work for a few days then I will concentrate on getting it done and out asap. Its the one that takes the most setting up so I will get the Plex build out first then work on triple boot.
And yes – you can copy all your files from your current build, that’s not an issue and that is one of the reasons I love OpenELEC – a dedicated emebedded setup with its own filesystem. Makes it easy to work with and the added benefit of being ‘superuser’ by default means there is less worry about permissions when handling files. On the subject – I have a script that I set up to update KODI with my own build that is outside of the normal ‘Backup’ or ‘Update’ function of OpenELEC. I’m happy to share if you’d find it useful. It can be used to update from USB or from a static link on the web, so for example I create a backup of my KODI build, compress it and upload it to the web as (for example):
Then I have a script on my personal OpenELEC setup that I can click on named ‘Update KODI’ and it will download that file, extract it, check that the relevant files are present from the extract (and halt if they are not!), copy the existing custom keymaps I have setup for my KODI remote then proceed to delete my current setup and replace it with the downloaded setup and finally copy over my original keymap files and delete all the downloaded data that is no longer needed then reboot into my new setup. All this is done automatically for me at the click of a button and it means I can tinker with a separate OpenELEC build until I am happy with it then simply upload it to the net (using the same static link, replacing the old file) and update on my master dual boot setup and other Pi’s in the house. It also means that I don’t need to visit my mothers house every time she messes up her KODI setup (bless her!), so if it goes wrong she just has to click ‘update KODI’ at her end and it’ll fix itself automatically. Its a lot easier for me! ;)
Well, sorry that turned into a lengthy post! I will be writing a blog on how to set up that type of script so will post a link if anyone here is interested. It may sound like a faff but it makes things a lot more easy to update, especially if you have a few builds set up yourself or for family & friends.
All the best
Participant[quote=120398] on mega!bJE12B4S!WzsYiYAQl3Clz6cp77nPMjTu2iAdl2VrOKVESXuqrYs
Thanks for uploading. Just to confirm – is that link for the ‘fixed’ version that I re-uploaded? (which works for Pi 3).
[quote=120399]Hello Smithers, Does your image have the pi-bluebooth install in retropie along with the controller fix for the Pi 3 as seem here
It is just a straight up image of RetroPie 3.6 (but with my KODI script added), so it won’t have any fixes like that in no, sorry. It can be fixed using the same method though, no reason why it shouldn’t work.
Participant[quote=120375]is it possible to run your script through confluence skin in kodi?
I have installed the Xonfluence skin and set it up with my scripts as it’s not possible to add custom scripts with the standard ‘Confluence’ skin. Not without using a third party add-on anyway (Advanced Launcher), but that add-on is now retired as far as I’m aware.
I can talk you through how to use it if you like, no problem, but I was under the impression that Xonfluence was nigh on the same as Confluence but with added features? I haven’t used it enough to be able to see the differences I guess.
Participant[quote=120334]Now it’s booting fine on a pi3 but a 8gb sd card isn’t enough
it needs 6721mb to install both openelec and retropie and I only have 6591mb with the files on the sd card guess I need bigger sd card or usb.
Hi. Check the readme file I bundled in for instructions on how to reduce the partition sizes (I recommend reducing the Openelec partition) and you should be able to get it to fit ok, but yes, USB stick install is the best solution.
ParticipantArrgghh…. Ok I found out the problem with OpenELEC – I didn’t add the Pi3 NOOBS workaround to the setup files… rookie mistake. Thats what you get for staying up too late and burning the candle at both ends!
So apologies to all who downloaded that file but I have corrected it and re-uploaded the file. It can be found via the same link as before!
If you are using a Pi 2 and have already downloaded the OpenELEC build then you’re fine, it is only the Pi3 it didn’t work on.
Please test and let me know if it is now working for you (should be).
Participant[quote=120265]hi steve. i have a problem with your last release. i copy all the data to my sd (correctly formatted, fully compatible with rpi3, i was already using it for openelec) but when I run the Rpi3 I only see the “rainbow-like” screen and stays locked there not running anything. any ideas?
Hmmm… That’s not good. I hope the download isn’t corrupt. :s
Has anybody else managed to download it and got it to work? I will test when I am home from work later on.
ParticipantOk then so bad news first – I have tried and tried and tried all weekend to build a working ‘USB Install’ version of NOOBS that is compatible with the Pi 3 but have hit a brick wall every time – I just cant get it to build. I have added every dependency listed on the Github page along with many more that I read in the various ‘issues’ log but to no avail (and it takes a good few hours each time to get to the failure point!). I’m at a loss so I will raise an issue on the Github page for the USB build however I don’t think it has been maintained in a while so Im not sure if or when a fix will be implemented for this specific build to support the Pi 3. :(
So after much tinkering I have found a dirty workaround to get Pi 3 support up and running and it seems to work ok (aside from a NOOBS error message – more on that below!). Please do note however that this is not an official build of NOOBS I am using so use it at your own risk until an official ‘USB stick version’ becomes available.
Ok then – with that aside I have made a couple of builds and they are ready to download – see below:
RetroPie 3.6 & OpenELEC 6.0.3: Click here
* 3 skins set up to use: Arctic Zephyr (default)
Aeon Nox (for nostalgia! ;) )
Xonfluence (for those who can’t sway from the ‘vanilla’ skin)
PLEASE NOTE you can not switch to Xonfluence skin from the Arctic Zephyr skin – no idea why but it just doesn’t work so switch to Aeon Nox first and then switch to Xonfluence and you’re good to go. A minor annoyance.RetroPie 3.6 & OSMC 2016.02-3: Click here
Only the standard skin is set up for OSMCThese are both Raspberry Pi 2 / 3 builds and seem to be working fine at my end. Please feel free to try them out and let me know how you get on.
I have bought some web space at last (website is very wip but feel free to have a gander!) so I am hosting these files using my webspace rather than Google Drive, MEGA etc. Hopefully that will work out better but let me know if not and I can upload elsewhere.
All the best.
Stevep.s. Rasplex and a Triple is next on the list.
Participant[quote=120041]Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for creating these multi-boot images. Greatly appreciated.
I’m just wondering, is there any possibility to include Volumio as another OS that we can switch to?
The current stable version is v1.55. FYI, version 2 is in beta stage.
If this can be done, it will be an ultimate entertainment machine.
Hi. Its on my todo list so I will certainly give it a try yes! I have never used Volumio before so not sure if it supports running script shortcuts etc. but if it does then it shouldn’t be a problem, in theory.
[quote=120050]Amazing project! I am looking to migrate my exisitng openelec setup to this openelec/retropie dual boot. In the past I have kept all my openelec data as backup, by copying the whole “storage” partition. When I tried to do this with the dual boot sd card, I couldn’t find any kind of folder structure that was familiar to me, ie no storage and boot partitions. I know they are there somewhere, because when I ssh into openelec I can see them. However how can I access them when I connect the sd card to my laptop?
Thank you very much
PS: Is this openelec setup working with plexbmc?
Hmmm that is strange because the folder structure should be exactly the same aside from the storage and boot partitions will be numbered differently. Are you trying to view your SD card on a Windows machine? If so then you will only see the boot partition as that is the only ‘FAT’ formatted partition on the card. You’d need a Linux machine to view the other EXT4 partitions where the KODI data is held (or you can use a program to view and backup from within Windows).
Plexbmc should work fine for this, however I have never tried it.
[quote=120217]hey guys im new to this can anybody help me im trying to add my snes roms, do i add them to my sd card or to the usb drive help please
You add your roms onto the SD card but to do this you will need to either SSH into your Pi or use a Linux PC to transfer them directly onto the SD card. I think you can also use a memory stick and it will transfer the roms automatically for you, but I have never tried this myself (have a search through the Wiki guide and Im sure it will explain in better detail than me). Good luck!
ParticipantWell, I’m not 100% certain on that yet however I can say that Jessie does support much more Wi-Fi / Bluetooth dongles out of the box than wheezy did. I am presuming that the Pi3 built in Wi-Fi and bt must work flawlessly but I can’t test anything until I have finished building NOOBS. :s Can’t believe how long it is taking for such a small file size but I guess there is a ton of code involved.
Yes I will be. I’m using Raspbian Jessie right now actually to build a new version of NOOBS (USB installer version) that will *hopefully* support the Pi 3 as the version I normally use doesn’t support it. I got about an hour and a half into the build and then lost my internet connection so had to start again… frustrating to say the least!
ParticipantI received my Pi3 in the post today so I should be able to get a new (vanilla) build out this weekend based on v3.6 and OpenELEC 6.0.3 Isengard (and a Jarvis build if desired?). I have also took the plunge and bought some web space so I can host the files myself (for those who were having issues with my prev links). I have no web building skills or knowledge at all however so this will be a learning curve but I’m enjoying it so far!
On the subject of the Pi3 – does the memory card slot no longer click the card into place? Mine just seems to slot in with no ‘click’ and it makes it a swine to get out without being spring-loaded. The card works fine, just was expecting a spring-loaded design like the previous Pi(s) had?
Anyway – I will share a link soon as it’s ready!
All the best.
Just to tell you smithers, great setup you have done.
I have a question, I’m curious how you did the dual boot, do you have a procedure on how to do the dual bootThank you
Thanks! I have full intentions on creating a guide on how to make these, I’m just currently looking for some reasonabley priced web hosting so I can create a blog style page to share it on (and also to host my builds on). Its not a majorly hard process really, just very time consuming!
Participant[quote=119592] what do I do with my RP2 overclock setting “config.txt”? It’s set up with RP2 overclocking settings.. I want it to be properly configured for RP3 when I boot it up :). [/quote]
All you need to do there is comment all the overclocking lines out using a # symbol at the start of each line, and then it will boot into the standard clock settings for the device it detects (Pi2 or Pi3). Or you could dabble with Pi3 overclocking values of course but I don’t know what they are so can’t advise until I get one to play with myself!
Your duaboot image is the best I’ve ever tried by the way. I would never go back to running Kodi on Raspbian via Retropie. The performance difference is like night and day![/quote]
Thanks! I find it very stable and great performance too but like I said above I haven’t tried the Raspbian installer version of KODI in a long time so wasn’t sure if that was now as good as OpenELEC or not. Personally I prefer to have OpenELEC regardless and keep its own filesystem setup etc. It makes it easier to work with when its on its own partition and there’s no chance of one OS affecting the other.
thanks for the image file. i have been wanting to do this for ages.
i having an issue with the roms appearing in the ‘combined arcade menu’ i have added roms into imame4all, advmame and pifba. and roms appear in those menu items. (i end up with 2 classic arcade menus) but they dont appear under the arcade one.
also no artwork is appearing for any roms?
any help would be appreciated.
Hmm I’m not sure what could be wrong as it works at my end? Can I check you are using ‘.zip’ files for the roms? I’m guessing you must be as that is standard format (and they are appearing when placed in the other folders). I see that one of the recent changes to RetroPie incorporates an ‘Arcade’ rom folder as standard now so maybe my folder clashes with it (if you have updated RetroPie)? Not sure but I guess the issue will be eradicated when I use the latest version of RetroPie on my next dual boot build.
*Edit* – Ahh just realised as I pressed ‘submit’ – it sounds like you haven’t put the rom files into the /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade folder, am I right? I made it so you had the option of using the separate folders as normal (ie mame4all, lr-mame etc), OR use the /arcade/ folder as a catch-all for every arcade system. You need to place the roms files into that folder before the ‘Arcade’ menu appears in Emulation Station, and you will also see screenshots appear (but bare in mind there will be a number of games that are not yet screenshotted due to the new versions of MAME now included that weren’t out when I originally made my image).
Hope this makes sense and Im not barking up the wrong tree but it sounds like that is where the issue is.
Thanks for your reply! Do you know a good way for me to backup my Retropie and OpenELEC from RP2 and over to RP3 once it’s done?.. Which folder in Retropie and OpenELEC can I backup from my current setup?And where will you post your link?
Thanks!! (Hoping it will be Jarvis. It supports AirPlay on iOS 9 it seems)
Hi.Backing up OpenELEC is very easy in that all you need to copy from the Pi is the ‘.kodi’ folder found at:
Everything inside that folder holds your add-on and skin settings etc. so you just need to copy it over to your new build and you’re done.
All that being said though – if you already have a Pi2 setup then you just need to update your distro and it will add Pi3 support, so you may not need to worry about starting all over again. Worth a try anyway!
ParticipantSorry, only just seen this question!
To remi a the ‘Start’ and ‘Select’ button functionality you would edit the ‘es_input.cfg’ file (pretty sure that’s what it’s called). From memory, it is located here:
All you need to do is remove the lines that begin with ‘start’ and ‘select’ and youre done. In fact you may be able to just comment them out with a # but I haven’t tried that.
Any questions just let me know.
I will be ordering my Pi3 in the next couple of days so will create a vanilla image using RetroPie 3.6 and OpenELEC 15.2 / 16. I’ll post a link soon as it’s ready.
As for “what is the advantage of a dual boot setup vs standard single partition setup” – well when I first made my dual boot setup it was the only way to guarantee a stable KODI experience by using OpenELEC rather than the Raspbian installer version of KODI (which had bugs at that time). You cannot install OpenELEC alongside RetroPie (as far as I know), so it has to be in its own partition. It makes for a rock solid KODI experience with a dedicated RetroPie partition with only it’s own filesystem layout and I can have a nice menu to be able to switch between the two OS’s seamlessly. It may not be for everyone, but for me it’s perfect. Its also the only way you can use Plex and RetroPie together (as far as I know). Not that I use Plex, but a lot of folk were looking for a solution to that.
Hope that answers your question! I guess If you’re having no issues with the Rasbian installer version of KODI then there’s no need for a dual boot build. I prefer OpenELEC so this is my only option. It was also a good Linux learning tool for me along the way!
All the best
In regards to controlling OpenELEC with anything other than a keyboard, it would probably be best to enter debugging mode in OpenELEC and then press the various keys you want to map in some sort of order you can follow then read the debug log file. This way you can see how the keys are being interpreted by OpenELEC (if at all), and then create a custom keymap for your device. I have done this with 2 different remotes that I own and some of the keys on there are really random – like ‘Left Windows Key’ where the menu button is labelled!? Strange.
Also – if you have a X-Arcade Tankstick then arent they just using keyboard encoders inside? If so then you’re laughing because you can map it as keyboard inputs, shouldnt be a problem.
As for the XML file generator – best way to use this is to have your image files in the same folder as your roms (and named the same to match each rom), then run it. It will link to the rom folder location and it would be fine to leave them there if you want OR you can move them to the .emulationsation/downloaded_images folder and just do a bulk rename to change the .xml file to reflect the new directory. Thats what I done. Also, I use the bulk rename to take out rom name tags too. Its time consuming but worth it in the end!
Participant[quote=116725]Just to say my build appears to have different ip addresses for each boot.
I can access both partitions and all files by whatever I’m logged in as appearing automatically in windows network. (Using windows 7)
Just open up any config files in notepad then save over them
It sounds like your router is assigning a different up address each time. You can probably go into your router settings and assign a static ip address which will solve your problem.
Are you using wifi or Ethernet? Just thinking that the RetroPie partition might need extra setting up if its wifi.
ParticipantNo bother. Glad you got sorted.
So bit of good news – I think I have finally sorted my Linux issue and can read memory cards again! I ended up manually uninstalling v17.2, installed a secondary hard disk in my laptop and installed v17.1 onto it. For some reason the earlier version seems to be working much better. Thankfully.
So now I will have to start from scratch again so I think I will wait for RetroPie v4 because I have read there are a couple of issues that have been called out in the current version. Not sure when that will be of course but I will keep an eye out for it.
ParticipantOnly thing I can think is that your Saturn disk images are in the wrong format? Have you got them in any of these formats:
.mdf(taken from the RetroPie managing roms wiki)
@pimaster – you can certainly change the splash without having to rebuild but as for removing it completely – I’m not sure. To be honest though, my full KODI setup only takes a matter of seconds to boot up so I don’t see any room for improvement and I’m not convinced that removing the splash screen would help? Unless you are talking about a splash video? That would cause a delay yes and is easy to remove, but I don’t think you mean that, do you?smithers
ParticipantHello there.
Yes I would have to mirror what Candyluv says to be honest – I just can’t seem to get away with the Confluence skin anymore and also would not say the ‘Aeon’ skin was ugly or that people are unfamiliar with it (it’s a very popular skin) – I think it’s a big improvement over Confluence (I have tried XConfluence too). I am aware of the ‘Advanced Launcher’ addon and I used to use that on my first ever builds, however I much prefer the integration of a custom script direct in the home menu and I feel it leaves less room for errors not having to rely on a third party addon (I may be wrong but I think advance launcher is no longer in active development?). To each their own of course and I understand not everyone has the same taste! In fact I have recently switched skins to Artic Zephyr after a recommendation from a friend and I am quite taken with it. In my future builds I may offer a couple of options for skins to cater for personal taste (if I ever get my Linux problems sorted on my laptop :( ), but I need to test that KODI keeps the skin setup saved for each whether they are in use or not (I’m assuming it will). And as for the ‘Launch RetroPie’ sub-menu – that was indeed deliberate, to prevent accidental pressing of the ‘Games’ button. I personally like it this way but will share instructions for those who wish to change it but don’t know how. As for Jarvis – I will make a build as soon as a stable release comes out, but at the moment Helix is running perfect for me and I am not a fan of running non-stable builds.
In regards to Dreamcast & Saturn emulation – there should be no reason why they won’t work, providing you have installed them from the RetroPie Setup Script? At the time I put out the last build, both Dreamcast and Saturn were still in ‘Experimental’, and therefore you won’t find the rom folders present as standard but there is nothing stopping you installing them manually (I already made themes for them, along with everything else that was available at the time).
Participant[quote=113972]Hi Smithers
I used this latest build and have had no problems up until now.
My issue is there is only the libretro n64 emulator. The other emulator mupen64plus doesn’t seem to be there.
Is there any way to install this without having to start again?
Thanks in advance
Yes, you can install any emulator you like from the normal RetroPie Setup Script. There is no change to normal functionality of RetroPie.
@skullmonkey – is your aim to completely start from scratch again or just to update RetroPie?smithers
ParticipantHmmm… Sounds like the partition isn’t being swapped over for some reason. Have you amended the directory structure or anything like that?
Best thing to do is to test it in the terminal – are you able to SSH into the Pi when in OpenELEC to test something? If so, type in the following into the terminal:
cd ss ./
And take note of what is shown in the terminal (it would show an error message if it was unable to mount the partition for example). Give this a try and let me know what it says.
All the best.
ParticipantHi all.
Sorry for the absence of late – been busy with it being Christmas and all but also have been plagued with issues on my new laptop trying to get Linux to work on it. I’m still not quite there yet (it always shows NOOBS partitioned SD cards as corrupted when they are not), so this has completely hindered me building the other multiboot images… grr… I’m at the point where I am now trying to source an old laptop to use instead, which is ridiculous but there you go!
In the meantime I have been documenting some of the processes I carry out for those who wish to tinker. The whole ‘creating dual boot images’ guide will take a while to document, however I am nearly finished with the ‘how to implement custom scripts’ in KODI / OSMc / RasPlex etc. which is useful if anyone has removed my script in error or wants to try out a new skin. I’ll post it on here soon as its ready and hopefully it will be of some use to someone.
So to answer some questions:
@reddyfire – I don’t own a Pi 1 any more so I can’t create a Pi1 image Im afraid, therefore this will only work on a Pi2. When Pi zeros are available to buy again then I will probably get one of those and build an image for it which I assume will be perfectly compatible with this Pi1(??).@havnar – I don’t have any guides made up yet but its on my todo list! I’m really not sure why it isn’t working for you though? you have definitely formatted the card to FAT32 and copied everything inside the ‘noobs files’ folder onto the SD card? Can you try the USB method if you haven’t already, i.e. copy the ‘os’ folder to a (FAT32 formatted) USB stick instead of to the sd card? The only other thing I could suggest is that the SD card may be faulty – I have an SD card that won’t work with NOOBS either – it hangs part way through the installation, whereas all my other SD cards work fine (tried from as low as 8GB up to 64GB and between). For reference, I only ever use branded cards such as Sandisk, Samsung or Kingston (although I find Kingston cards to be VERY slow), and they always work for me.
@mheiger – are you still having the issue of booting into RetroPie? If so then it sounds like your monitor doesn’t like the display setting I have set (720p). When you boot into the RetroPie partition are you able to SSH into the Pi, even though nothing is showing on screen? If so then this is most likely to be the problem and you need to set a different display resolution (or just comment out my settings to start with, which should set a resolution your display is happy with). You need to change or comment out the lines ‘hdmi_group’ and ‘hdmi_mode’ in the config.txt file found in the boot partition. Check this link out for further information:
@methanoid – yes this is the case Im afraid. Plex is not very customisable and even with the Aeon skin it is limited to Python script instead of regular old Bash scripts, hence the scripts I made were pretty basic but functional, since I don’t know how to script in Python! There may well be other scripts that customisation, but since I don’t personally use Plex then I opted for Aeon which I knew would support it. The standard skin however does not support customisation at all. If you know of any others that do then please let me know and I can investigate. As for controlling via joypad – I am not sure if this is possible in Plex? And regarding Moonlight – would you need a seperate partition for this or is it part of the RetroPie setup script? I can’t check right now but will later (unless someone confirms for me).
@knulen – it can be a pain to add drivers for wifi dongles that aren’t supported as standard, Ive had to do it myself in Raspbian but the steps were alot different to those you have linked? I am wondering if those steps are for Ubuntu with KODI instead of just OpenELEC? I will add that the latest version of OpenELEC has more support for WiFi dongles as I noticed that 2 different dongles I had that didn’t work in Helix now work in Isengard out of the box. I know you said it doesn’t work but just to check, did you go into the ‘Network’ menu in OpenELEC Configuration and tick ‘Wireless Networks’ (or something to that effect), because if you didn’t then you havent enabled the wifi dongle yet so nothing will show in ‘Connections’ tab. Just a thought anyway.
@candyluv – I have added an ‘always boot to kodi’ option in RetroPie as of v8 however I have not created a new triple boot build yet that implements this. It would be easy to do however would mean that a different shutdown button would be used (to add in a line of script that sets the boot partition back to KODI again). As for the NTSC CRT TV setting – I imaging you will have to amend the ‘hdmi_group’ and ‘hdmi_mode’ that I have set in config.tct for that to work? I have set it to run @ 720p for RetroPie but did not set specific values for the other partitions so that would explain why the RetroPie partition is being fussy! See the link I posted above to change it to a different mode and resolution.
@confy – I am working on a guide which details how to implement a custom command but to get you back up and running, all you need to do is the following (this is from memory so may be slightly misworded):Go to System>Settings>Appearence>Skin>Settings>Set Up The Aeon Nox Home Screen
Now on the left side menu, scroll down to any un-used slot, such as ‘Custom1’
In the right side menu, click ‘Choose Action>Custom KODI Command’ and a text box should appear (if any text is present in it then delete it)
Type in the following exactly: System.Exec(/storage/ss/
Press ‘done’ and this has now setup my script that displays a message stating ‘Select Launch RetroPie to Start Gaming’, so now you need to setup the ‘Launch RetroPie’ button.
Click ‘Select Submenu’ and then choose ‘Custom KODI Command’
Type in the following exactly: System.Exec(/storage/ss/
Press ‘done’ then set a label of ‘Launch RetroPie’ and clcik done then click back.
Now create a name of ‘Games’ for this menu you have created and set a background picture if you like (my picture should still be there in /storage/wallpapers
Go back to the main KODI menu and your ‘Games’ menu should now be showing.This is all from memory so I will check later on to make sure it is correct but thats the principle of it at least. My actual scripts should still be there as they weren’t stored in the /storage/.kodi dirctory, so your backup shouldnt have wiped them off.
@jcrowley30 – sounds like your memory card is being formatted to exFAT instead of FAT32 (SD Formatter does this for 64GB cards it would seem). Instead you need to search for a program that will force FAT32 format instead – try searching on Google as I know there are a few different onesout there for free that work (Ive used one before but can’t remember what it was called, sorry. I use Gparted in Linux now instead for all my formatting needs!). You should find it will work perfect once you have formatted as FAT32, and I guess I need to update my readme file explaining the 64GB format issue. :s
@Piface3000 – My theme is specifically designed to remove all the metadata and increase the picture size. Whilst it is not impossible to revert back to standard, it would be rather time-consuming, so you may be better off switching to a different theme to be honest. Otherwise, you need to go into each theme.xml and edit each line that I have amended, which is quite a task!
@tracer – The Confluence skin *does not* support custom script linking, so you will not find my ‘Games’ menu in there. It is not impossible to use Confluence and still have my script, however you need to use a 3rd party addon called Custom Launcher (or something like that), and set it up via there. Its not as fancy as the way I implement it in Aeon Nox though. As for the controller / CEC issues – this is out of my remit Im afraid. I use a mini wireless keyboard/mouse combo for KODI and also set it up for use in RetroPie menu, so I don’t have this problem. I have seen alot of people ask about OpenELEC gamepad usage but never seen anyone give a firm answer if it is possible. I personally wouldn’t use it as it would be a bit clunky I think (having to remember which button does what), but if you are really wanting it then I would suggest scouring the KODI forums as that would be your best bet for answers I would say?
@grizzlema – thanks for the heads up! I will bare this in mind when making the next Plex build. Is there a partition size you would recommend?Phew – this turned into a long post so apologies there but hopefully I have answered all questions! :D I will try and be a bit more attentive to this thread from now (part of my New Year resolution maybe?), so any questions or suggestions just ask. In the meantime I will try and get a working Linux computer so I can work on the other builds. I should never have got rid of my old laptop, it was the perfect Linux machine… :(
All the best!
ParticipantHi. Sorry for the delay in replying. Haven’t had much time of late to come on here! :s
So firstly, my latest images will fit on a 8gb card, however to acheive this you should be using the ‘USB Method’, ie copying the installeion files to your USB flash drive instead of your memory card. Read my readme file for full instructions.
Candyluv – yes, a Triple-Boot is on the to-do list! ;)
Skullmonkey – I do mention not to change the skin in my readme file! Do you need instructions on how to add the RetroPie script back in?
Herb – I used the ‘apt-get’ version of TTD, however I see you have now added it to the RetroPie setup :)
Participant[quote=110470]Out of curiosity with openttd do you have it running from the terminal or was x necessary? If it runs from the terminal do you think there is any chance of adding it to retropie as a module?
Hi Herb. It runs from the terminal, I haven’t installed X in this build. I was having a ton of issues trying to get it to work, always receiving the ‘unable to initiate graphics’ message (or something similar), and then I finally realised my mistake…. I was trying to run it via SSH. As soon as I tried it on the Pi itself it worked like a charm! So yes, I think it should be possible to add into RetroPie as an installable port.