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  • in reply to: I have given up with file transfering… #120918

    I transfer my files with an sftp program like flashfxp. winscp will work too i think.
    I need full write support so i login with root using the pi’s IP address along with login/password.
    If you want root, you’ll have to enable it and edit sshd_config to allow root.

    I don’t use samba or network shares so I’m not sure about that.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #120665

    ok fine it’s not that different. Just a little bit here and there to make me love it. I love plex due to the great transcoding options to make it easier to stream without lag. Works great on the two homes in this property.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #120661

    nonono not that Aeon skin you’ve been including in past builds. I hate it too:)
    Aeon Nox is quite different

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #120654

    Many thanks for the rasplex build. Seems to work fine. Can you post a tutorial on how to add the retropie shortcut to a skin? I wish to add the Aeon Nox skin.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #120373

    i hope the rasplex build will include the Aeon Nox 5 skin :DDDDD

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #120064

    Can’t wait for the guide. I managed to update the last version of retropie/rasplex to jessie with a few bugs here and there, but i’d love to do it the right way..bugfree:)

    in reply to: Donkey Kong doesn't run on MAME #118069

    ah. good to know, thanks

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #117974

    [quote=117539]I just wanted to sign in and say a tremendous thank you to Smithers for this build. This is exactly what I had always been looking for to setup my media room, and you have made my boyhood dreams come true.

    One thing I wanted to ask is whether anyone could assist me with settings adjustments that would allow me to control kodi with either my x-arcade tankstick or retro snes gamepad?


    I’m not sure you can. I use Yatse for android. It’s a remote control app. Works fine on both kodi. Rasplex as well by editing event server to port 9778 in Yatse.

    in reply to: Donkey Kong doesn't run on MAME #117972

    Donkey kong “runs” but it’s not fine. Sound effects are missing from every version of fba and mame except for mame 2010. But it freezes a few seconds in..
    I only tried the first set “”, so I’m not sure if any alternative sets have sound effects.

    Like shinobi..ugh. That one took me a while..only Set 2 and 2010 plays with the proper sound effects. 2003 works but some music channels cut out.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #117278

    And tonight marked my defeat in getting kodi with plexbmc working properly in 3.5. It’s really unstable so it’s quite useless to me. I’m really looking forward to a rasplex dualsetup now.

    The rasplex/retropie link on the first page is gone..can you upload whatever you have ready? Thanks
    Edit: nevermind, found one from your youtube channel. Thanks:)

    in reply to: Kodi Does not shutdown #117258

    Update on my problem..
    I connected the pi2 to a spare monitor with a dvi adapter.
    Kodi exits back to ES just fine without issues.
    Still no idea why it doesn’t like my TV..

    EDIT: Problem solved. Disabled that Pulse-Eight HDMI CEC addon. What a simple solution..meh
    EDIT2: …and it started acting up after testing it for a bit with plexbmc. Wouldn’t play anything after 3-4 videos so I quit and the black screen is back. Not sure if it’s kodi or plexbmc but one thing’s for sure..I’m done using it. It’s too unstable for my needs.

    in reply to: RetroPie Multi-Boot Images #116913

    Good to see this is still in development. If I can’t figure out why kodi won’t let me back into ES in 3.5, I’ll be willing to wait for a rasplex dualboot solution.

    in reply to: Kodi Does not shutdown #116845

    Yes, I started with a fresh 3.5 image. No upgrades. Pi2.
    I did a clean install right now just to make sure. Still does it. This time I left it. After a few minutes of having a black screen, it boots back into kodi.

    Edit..well it’s not THAT fresh..I do have the snesdev script installed and that adds 30sec to shutdown in jessie, but I believe quitting kodi shouldn’t boot me back to kodi..

    About the cec idea..

    in reply to: Kodi Does not shutdown #116841

    I am on 3.5 jessie and kodi 15 exits to a black screen. This was a clean install. I also installed kodi so it won’t be in the Ports menu. I was going to start a topic but found this one:P

    in reply to: 2 issues on 3.4 that weren't there on 3.3 #115129

    I can add a few more problems. The boot time is a bit longer and the shutdown time is WAY longer if you have alot of roms. Almost 3 minutes. I have over 3000 roms on usb. The shutdown was much faster when I didn’t have any roms. Never had that issue on wheezy. I’ve been meaning to delete a bunch I don’t play..guess now’s a good time..

    Also, sometimes the snesdev script takes upto 30seconds to shutdown.

    in reply to: no roms detected in Advance mame 1.4 #113859

    Well the way I go about it is, if a game runs really slow on fba(usually a non-cps/neogeo game), I then check if mame4all supports it. Usually it doesn’t or has some odd emulation problem so I then try 2003. Sometimes I get slowdowns in that as well but not as BAD as fba so I can tinker with resolution/render settings to get it to run..barely.

    in reply to: no roms detected in Advance mame 1.4 #113576

    Solved my own problem. It doesn’t like my roms because they are all in caps..

    In trying this emulator…it’s just not for me. It runs some games better but the resolutions are clearly meant for arcade monitors. Sound also cuts off. I’ll stick to lr-mame. Unless there’s non-lr versions? I’ve noticed lately lr versions of emulators are getting a bit slower.

    in reply to: Best lr-ppsspp settings? #113404

    unfortunately, I could not find any settings that helped speed in any way.I tried standalone last night and was shocked that it’s a bit faster with no scratchy audio and no long pauses. I prefer lr versions as well but in this case, for the time being, I suggest sticking with the standalone version. The slowdowns have existed for a while and not sure if they’ll ever be fixed. I haven’t seen any comments from devs in here on the issue…

    in reply to: RetroPie / Rasplex Dual-Boot Image #107353

    ok, I switched back to default theme in rasplex and managed to find the wifi config there. yay. I switched back to aeon theme np.

    Can the retropie shortcut from aeon be installed through the default theme? That would simplify things so I won’t need to go back and forth just to tweak extra settings that aren’t in aeon.

    in reply to: Better quality controller? #107209

    8bitdo snes controllers are really nice. It was pricey, a bit over $30 but it feels better and sturdier than my originals, heh.

    in reply to: RetroPie / Rasplex Dual-Boot Image #107103

    I’m new to rasplex so maybe i’m not finding it…but how do you configure wifi on this? The rasplex faq I found refers to settings that don’t exist on this build. I’ve gone through everywhere in the Settings section. Nothing about configuring network/wifi..

    in reply to: New Mame Emulators/ Compatibility Lists #105997

    FBA-next supports more roms from a newer mame romset. So I suppose that’s better. I haven’t tried the new roms it supports.SF3 still has scratchy audio here and there. No change.
    Mk1 runs better on Mame4all but Mk2 had less scratchy audio on 2003.
    Oh, and Mame4all does not support SF3…

    in reply to: New Mame Emulators/ Compatibility Lists #105605

    Tried them all. 2010 seems unusable for the ~10 games I tried. Too slow. These are games that are also too slow/aren’t in FBA.
    2003 gave me better results with those same games. Most we’re fully playable. I’ll have to get compatible romsets for those that didn’t load. Some needed to be dropped to 640×480 for speed. Overall not bad. It’ll replace advmame for me. I do wish Ninja Warriors was playable at 1080P :(
    On a Pi2.

    Some of the games I tried:
    1080P: Some with minor slowdowns here and there.
    Captain America and the Avengers
    Mystic Warriors

    480p: Some with minor slowdowns here and there.
    Bucky O Hare
    Ninja Warriors (not stretched)

    in reply to: Long USB cable causing boot loop on Pi 2? #105564

    Well from my experience I noticed power drops if adapters/couplers are used. It’s the thickness of the cable as well. The one you bought is 24/28AWG. Maybe try thicker cables (i think usb standard cables can go as thick as 20AWG) or try soldering what you have to eliminate the coupler. No guarantees..

    In my snes/sfc enclosure setup I had to use thick cables cut from a pc psu because the normal microusb wires would give me that colored square.

    in reply to: What controllers are you using? #104851

    USB xbox 360 stick for arcade games
    USB PC-Engine controller for pce/nes games (soldered a usb chip inside)
    Soldered sfc controller ports to gpio so I can use original snes/sfc controllers
    For kodi I use the yatse remote control app for android

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