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Does someone has a documentation about the PiSNES config file ?
I understood that we should run the joystick test utility to grab the value for each key of the controller.
However I’d like to know :
1) How to configure 2 controllers ?
Is e.g A_1 = … and A_2 = … the way to do ?
2) Can we have in the config file several key mapping and link each of them to a controller type ? So just like how RetroArch registered controllers are working…
3) Do you have a clear explanation of hotkeys settings ?I hope a kind of Wiki or readme file does exist but I have not found it…
04/17/2015 at 16:00 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #95260j2k15
ParticipantIt’s in fact an option not a shader.
Go in Retroarch Menu of PSX emulator and then choose Core Options.
You’ll find an option to get higher resolution but performance will drop a lot.
Btw, you are able to control Mario in Super Mario all stars ?? I tought it was not possible to run (control Mario in-game) this one in Retroarch…
Btw 2, your graphics seem so great for Snes ! Far better than mine if I’m plugged on HDTV.
04/17/2015 at 15:54 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #95257j2k15
ParticipantThanks puck6t9.
I’ll follow your recommendation posted here :j2k15
ParticipantTested and fully working on Pi2 without overclock:
Fighting Force
Knockout Kings 2000
Demo 1 v5 (Abe Odissey, Hercules, Porsche Challenge, …)
DBZ Ultimate Battle 22Tested and working with problem:
Crash Team Racing : have to launch another game before else image is zoomed / cropped
Crash Bash : Pause menu is not visible04/16/2015 at 08:21 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #95098j2k15
ParticipantSNES with default shaders is quite crappy on my HDTV.
NES however is OK.
By default PS1 has no shader and on a HD TV the image is horrible.
Playing on a CRT solves everything.
If you don’t have one, there are some boxes like this to improve image quality:
Maybe it’d do the trick…
ParticipantHi Gaucho,
I configure my controllers by registering them as a retroarch one.
But I have not tried yet with N64 ones and don’t know the RetroArch mapping between N64 specific buttons and RetroArch controller ones (e.g. which key to press when I’m requested to press R2, …).
For the image, it has probably to do with the resolution that does not match with your monitor one.
04/13/2015 at 18:22 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #94741j2k15
On a CRT, the graphics are perfect.
A solution if you want to use a LCD screen might be to use a upscaling box.
Like this one:
04/05/2015 at 15:51 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #93840j2k15
My graphics PSX emulation has been solved by updating the value of the parameter vidéo_smooth on the general config file (……/all/retropie.conf). Originally value was set to false and I moved it to true.
Like this I don’t need to use shaders or the enhanced resolution option decreasing the perf.
04/04/2015 at 12:55 in reply to: TwinUSB (PS/2 adapter) working in EmulationStation but not in RetroArch #93751j2k15
I think I’ve a possible root cause but no clue on how to fix it…
As I said, the adapter with my original PS1 controller is working in ES but cannot be detected as a retroarch controller.
What I noticed is that ES detected in fact 2 controllers although only one was plugged-in the adapter…
As I read in the RetroArch doc, when using the “register controller” feature of utility, only one controller should be plugged-in. Si if ES detects 2 controllers, I guess RetroArch utility too…
According to you could it be the cause of the issue ?
If so, how can I disable in Linux the “ghost” controller ?
04/04/2015 at 12:12 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #93745j2k15
Now on the Mac I’ve been able to run the game with no cropped image and with fast boot.
The problem seemed to be really specific to CTR. To solve it, I just started another game, close it, and then start CTR and by miracle no cropped image anymore !
Strange, but working.
So this part of the thread is solved.
04/04/2015 at 02:22 in reply to: PSX full screen, PSX Shaders, ROM compatibility and controllers #93699j2k15
About the PSX full screen issue, I might have found something.
I was just playing CTR-PAL on my Mac (PCSX-R) and got the same issue (zoom in the window resulting in a cropped image).I changed one of the parameter (untick “fast boot”) and it solved the issue on the Mac.
I’ll see if there’s a similar option on the Rpi and give it a try.
I’ll post the result here.
04/03/2015 at 10:00 in reply to: TwinUSB (PS/2 adapter) working in EmulationStation but not in RetroArch #93615j2k15
ParticipantHere’s the content of the file:
input_device = “Twin USB Joystick”
input_driver = “udev”input_b_btn = “0”
input_y_btn = “2”
input_select_btn = “8”
input_start_btn = “9”
input_up_btn = “h0up”
input_down_btn = “h0down”
input_left_btn = “h0left”
input_right_btn = “h0right”
input_a_btn = “1”
input_x_btn = “3”
input_l_btn = “4”
input_r_btn = “5”
input_l2_btn = “6”
input_r2_btn = “7”And in file “es_input.cfg” I’ve:
<inputConfig type=”joystick” deviceName=”Twin USB Joystick” deviceGUID=”03000000100800000100000010010000″><input name=”a” type=”button” id=”1″ value=”1″/><input name=”b” type=”button” id=”2″ value=”1″/><input name=”down” type=”axis” id=”1″ value=”1″/><input name=”left” type=”axis” id=”0″ value=”-1″/><input name=”pagedown” type=”button” id=”7″ value=”1″/><input name=”pageup” type=”button” id=”6″ value=”1″/><input name=”right” type=”axis” id=”0″ value=”1″/><input name=”select” type=”button” id=”8″ value=”1″/><input name=”start” type=”button” id=”9″ value=”1″/><input name=”up” type=”axis” id=”1″ value=”-1″/></inputConfig>
In order to make it more fun, I bought here and there several types of controllers depending on the system I want to play with.
– 2 wired BigBen controllers PS3-like
– 2 wired controllers SNES-like
– 2 wired controllers NES-like×900/9f6a2066b1eb80cbf26ed06a154bacf0.jpg
– 2 wired controllers N64-like
– A USB keyboard
For SNES, I’ve also this one:’s suite close from the original hardware un terms of feeling.