Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYou are supposed to create the 10-local.rules file. That’s correct. There is no file in the udev/rules.d folder by default.
ES will not recognize the input until you create that file
So, I’m using an 8bitdo NES30 Pro and I’m having major issues.
1 – navigating the menu only works with the left analog stick, it’s unavigable with the dpad (jumps all over).
2 – any button resets the game. So say a game loads an intro. Any button I press will loop the intro back to the beginning.
I understand the way the mapping is laid out in the cfg file but I just don’t know which controls are the ones when navigating the GUI.
There’a a few more lines of input on my gamepafs cfg file.
# 8Bitdo NES30 Pro Joystick
0 0 0 1 1 8
0 0 1 1 1 4
0 0 2 1 1 2
0 0 3 1 1 1
0 0 4 1 0 8
0 0 5 1 0 4
0 0 6 1 0 2
0 0 7 1 0 1
0 0 8 1 1 8
0 0 9 1 1 4
0 0 10 1 1 2
0 0 11 1 1 10 1 0 1 0 16
0 1 1 4
0 1 2 3
0 1 3 1 0 16
0 1 4 1 0 16
0 1 5 4
0 1 6 3
0 1 7 1 0 16
0 1 8 1 0 16
0 1 9 4
0 1 10 3
0 1 11 1 0 16
0 1 12 1 0 16
0 1 13 4
0 1 14 3
0 1 15 1 0 16
0 1 16 1 0 16
0 1 17 4
0 1 18 3
0 1 19 1 0 16
0 1 20 1 0 16
0 1 21 40 2 0 1 1 1
0 2 1 1 1 2
0 2 2 1 1 4
0 2 3 1 1 80 3 0 0
ParticipantNvm, I got it. Had to save joypad mapping inside the VICE menu to create the file.
Gonna see if I can tackle this now.
Thanks so much for the reply.
I cannot find the joymap file though.
I have 2 files
Inside of sdl-vicerc there is a line that points to the following
but when I sudo nano to the directory it creates a new file./home/pi/.vice
is a symbolic link, hiwever. Maybe the files are hidden?hobbswon
ParticipantAre you manually configuring the joystick or using the menu? Where are the config files for VICE?
For some weird reason my gamepads fire button, when mapped, resets some games. Others wirk ok.
I am desperately trying to find a solution for VICE. I cannot use a single game pad for most games let alone 2.
ParticipantIs it just me?
Has anybody gotten these controllers to pair in keyboard mode on RetroPie 3.5?
Participant[quote=114937] @nbk7
If you want to force a connection you can try this script – make it executable and put it in /etc/init.d/
#!/bin/bash sudo bluetoothctl << EOF power on connect [MAC Address] exit EOF
For others reading this, dont do this as the retropie bluetooth menu covers most situations doing this on its own.
I tried this script and it does not connect when switching between modes. It will only connect the last MAC that was paired through the config tool.
Here’s the script.
I placed it in
And then ran
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/
No go
ParticipantI have the same issue with my bt gamepads in advmame
ParticipantOk, updated the setup script and installed advmame from binary. Now the roms will launch from the arcade folder but only .94 not 1.4
I’m definitely using the .106 set, I also tested using the verified .106 split set that I used as the source for my rebuild. It’s a verified .106 set
Participant[quote=117239]which folder are your roms in
I originally placed them in the arcade folder and they would not launch. Then I moved the same set to the AdvanceMame folder and 1.4 wouldn’t launch them in either folder. Only .94 would.
They would launch under .94 in either folder.
But then I deleted all the roms in both directories and then re-upped them to the Arcade folder and now they will not launch in either 1.4 or .94
ParticipantThat’s pairing in joystick mode. That’s fine for retroarch emulators.
But Vice needs the controller to be paired in controller mode for the proper functionality.
And in joystick mode CoolCV completely ignores the dpad input.
So in order to utilize these emulators the ability to pair and switch between modes is necessary
Participant[quote=114929]there is still one problem for controllers with several modes like my 8Bitdo NES30 or the FC30 on the Jessie plattform:
there are two relevant modes for retropie:
1. Keyboard Mode Start+B (Controller 1), Start+B+R (Controller 2).
Registered as: “8Bitdo NES GamePad”
This mode is important for certain non-retroarch based emulators like VICE.2. GamePad Mode Start+R (both Controllers)
Registered as: 8Bitdo NES30 GamePad Joystick
For Retroarch based controlsThe MAC-Addresses of each controller varies depending on the connected mode. So if I establish all conntections for both my controllers (2x Keyboard mode MAC-Address A,B and 2x GamePad mode with MAC Address C,D) I would see all 4 registered devices in the retropie-setup menu. Unfortunately after reboot only the mode I registered last (via would try to connect. I can always reproduce this by deleting the last registered connection and re-register via another mode.
For Wheezy I wrote a script that would simply auto-connect, depending on the MAC address provided: #64
but that doesn’t work for the later Jessie plattform due to different connecting approach I guess.
Any ideals how to make it possible to auto-connect in both modes?
Have you ever gotten this worked out?
I too need both modes working but now in 3.5 I cannot even get the controllers to pair in controller mode.
If I try to register my NES 30 Pro or FC 30 Pro with either START + B or START + B+R
I get a dbus error.
It will show registered after it shows the dbus error but it will not pair.
Vice and CoolCV are unusable with 8Bitdo because of this
ParticipantTotally overlooked that. That was exactly it
ParticipantDpad works, by default, if the gamepad is started in keyboard mode. Of, coutse this screws the pairings and retroarch controls up.
Also, if started in joystick mode, when testing the inputs using f7 on the Windows (win7 x64) platform, the emulator does not recognize the input. It only sees the dpad in keyboard mode.
Participant[quote=102165]To use a game controller with jzIntv, you need to create keyboard hackfiles. To create these, you need to know how jzIntv recognises game controller inputs. The event_diag.rom will show you the events sent by your joystick. You can download it from the binaries package at the jzIntv project page at the link below. Check the rom folder.
Place event_diag.rom in the intellivision roms folders for now and run the following command from the console.
/opt/retropie/emulators/jzintv/bin/jzintv -z1 -f1 -p /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/intellivision/event_diag.rom"
Make a note of the output. I found the button bindings to be the same as those used in RetroArch. The disc was bound to the left analogue stick so I didn’t map these in my hackfile. You can delete event_diag.rom now if you wish.
Documentation at the link below will tell you how to use these event names to bind them to controller inputs in jzIntv. is a hackfile for a PS3 controller that I use for a lot of arcade-style games (Astrosmash, Beauty and the Beast, Bump’n’Jump, BurgerTime, Chip Shot, Defender, Lock’N’Chase, Star Strike). Select is used to exit the emu.
MAP 0 ; Game interface JS0_BTN_00 QUIT ; Quit jzintv JS0_BTN_16 RESET ; Reset game ; Keypad JS0_BTN_04 PD0L_KP1 ; Key press 1 JS0_BTN_05 PD0L_KP2 ; Key press 2 JS0_BTN_06 PD0L_KP3 ; Key press 3 JS0_BTN_07 PD0L_KP4 ; Key press 4 JS0_BTN_01 PD0L_KP5 ; Key press 5 JS0_BTN_03 PD0L_KPE ; Key press Enter JS0_BTN_13 PD0L_KPC ; Key press Clear ; Action Side Button JS0_BTN_11 PD0L_A_T ; Top Action Button JS0_BTN_14 PD0L_A_L ; Lower Left Action button JS0_BTN_15 PD0L_A_R ; Lower Right Action button
Copy and paste the above into a text editor. Save it as arcade.kbd and place it in the Intellivision roms folder.
To make use of the hackfile, you need to use the kbdhackfile flag. I use arcade.kbd for the majority of games but some games require more complex bindings (e.g. B17 Bomber) so I use custom hackfiles for these. As I have a few Intellivision games (20-25), I have created shell scripts to launch each game mapped to its relevant hackfile.
The shell script below is for Lock and Chase. Note I have changed the name of the rom.
#!/bin/bash /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 "/opt/retropie/emulators/jzintv/bin/jzintv -z1 -f1 -p /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS -q --kbdhackfile=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/intellivision/arcade.kbd /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/intellivision/"
Place the script in Intellivision roms folder. Edit es_systems.cfg so that only .sh and .SH extensions are included in ES. Restart ES and you’re good to go.
If this works for you, please let me know and I’ll add it to the Wiki.
Is there anyway to get ES to just see the shell script so there isn’t a duplicate populated in the rom list for both the rom and the shell script?
ParticipantYep, checked the wiki. You can see they keyboard values but no joypad values. Even though nanochess said it supports both, and it does but I just can’t figure out the values.
It didn’t occur to me to use f7 on another platform to get the values though. I will do so and post back results.
ParticipantOk, ‘UI Cancel’ from the user interface menu is the option to map to a button to exit the emulator.
ParticipantSorry to necropost but this was the only info I could find…how did anybody get advmame to exit with a combo hotkey ( like start + select )??
I thought this was only for retroarch cores?
I was able to find the line for the safequit prompt to disable it…but I cannot find where the code for exiting the emulator is.
ParticipantYep got it! Runs really good.
ParticipantCheck this thread. This might help.
ParticipantI am having the same issues with the libretro mames.
Some games select works as the default coin button and some do not. Some will only allow coins to be inserted on the player 2 gamepad. Even when I manually re-map the coin button from the in-game menu it doesn’t work.
Also, I’m not clear on how to configure retroarch per cite as the tutirial floob made is outdated and the retroarch menu options are different.
Mame is, by far, the most frustrating aspect to configure on RetroPie.
ParticipantThanks Buzz, all is well again.
ParticipantSo just reinstall the mame2003 and 2010 via retropie setup?
ParticipantOk, so I placed .78 and .139 roms in the libretro folder and the .37b5 roms are in the mame4all folder and the only roms listing are the 0.37b5 roms.
ls -la ~/RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro | head
Results in
Total 32120
drwxr–xr-x 2 pi pi 12288 Jan 31 02:14 .
drwxr–xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Jan 31 00:17 ..
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 149422 Jan 31 02:13
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 7449688 Jan 31 02:14
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 151226 Jan 31 02:14
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 23155 Jan 31 02:11
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 24003 Jan 31 02:11
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 23885 Jan 31 02:11
-rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 40644 Jan 31 02:11 popeye.zipHere’s the es_systems.cfg
ParticipantBut here is my issue now…
If I want to run the .139 romset [lr-mame2003] I cannot do it now because I have roms in the mame4all folder. It seems whatever romset I’m using, I’m forced to that romset and it’s respetive emulators exclusively?
Participant[quote=115719]So your roms are in
Because that’s where .037b5 romsets go if you want them to work.
Ok, yea apologies. That fixed it.
I assumed the mame emulator option would still be in the ES menu. But why do I now not have the option to choose the lr-mame2003 emulator?
ParticipantMy paths are correct. The only roms I placed in the folder were from the 0.37b5 set. After I uploaded he roms I was able to launch them from the ES menu but some, that were verified working, wouldn’t launch. So I checked to see if lr-mame4all was the default emulator and that was when I discovered only lr-mame2003 was installed.
I didn’t delete any if the emulators.
ParticipantYes, I placed all the roms in the
home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro directory
I thought lr-mame4all was installed by default but when I went to the emulators options menu lr-mame2003 was the only option.
So I installed it from source through the retropue setup menu.
ParticipantOk, I don’t know what happened but I broke something in my coleco configuration.
When I go to load a rom, it only loads the generic BIOS screen now.
Here’s the es_systems.cfg
Here’s the emulators.cfg code
coolcv="/opt/retropie/emulators/coolcv/coolcv -p /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS -q %ROM%" default="coolcv"
I’m at a complete loss
ParticipantGot it!
I copied the jzintv emulators.cfg and edited it, placed it in the coolcv folder. Wormed like a charm.
As for the BIOS, there was a command in the cfg file for the Intv bios
So I just left that in so it points to the BIOS directory and dropped the cv bios in there
Thanks dude, Coleco was a must have for me.
ParticipantYea, that’s awesome that Herb will be writing a script. A libretro port would be really nice [as well as intellivision]
Labelwhore, could you (or anybody) tell me where the file to configure ES to point to coolcv when launching the roms? Also, where did you have to put the BIOS?
ParticipantHow did I miss this thread?
Labelwhore, you cannot map the controls for the number buttons to your gamepad from the coolcv menu?
Participant[quote=114792]Man, compared to just a few versions ago it is mostly automated. It is staggering to me to see how far retropie has come in the last year in terms of ease of use. I feel new users are too lucky!
I am always astounded by people who want to have gaming setups but refuse to do any legwork. I have been active in Hyperspin for several years and you want to talk about a beast to setup if you are new, it takes the cake. But the payoff is worth it and that is why the community grows there and why the community grows here, so that people can help one another and learn and pass along suggestions and ideas. It is easy to get frustrated but try not to take it out on the people here who are here to help you on their time and for free.
I always tell people if you are unwilling or unable to set one up then go buy them, they are out there in abundance. Or, get an original xbox and run coinops. As long as the xbox is modded, coinops works as soon as you install it. No real setup needed.
I am surprised that so many people find Hyperspin so difficult to configure. Maybe it’s just because working in a windows environment is much more comfotable for me.
I don’t know how much Hyperspin has changed but last I was relatively easy. All the emulator configurations were on a single XML file and no more than 2 lines of code at most.
I do remember the biggest PITA with Hyperspin was the naming convention of the rom database.
If anything we’ve done people a disservice by making it so easy.
[/quote]Yea, I’d have to agree with this.
The extent of my work on a linux command line, before diving into Retropie, was limited to trying to install dual boot Ubuntu on my Win7 box years ago and I bailed on following through with it.
With this, I’ve learned how to navigate the file system and a few basic commands but nothing extraordinary. There is a ton of documentation and a lot of it is just following directions.
I do hope I learn myself some low level scripting. I’d like to, at some point, be able to tailor some source code for my specifications. There’s definitely a level of satisfaction breaking through certain stumbling blocks to get a rig operating.
01/26/2016 at 07:08 in reply to: starting vic-20 games directly frome ES – got it working :) #115118hobbswon
ParticipantThat would be great, Herb. Good luck!