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  • #100712

    you would probably have to set it to be able to use a wildcard name, so every time you screenshot an image it would change.

    Something like, but im not not 100% sure
    ./raspi2png -p $(date +%m%d%Y_%H%M%S).png

    Then have to hotkey/bind it to the controller or keyboard.

    Ill look into it when i have more time.


    Hello Forum, today i bought a Raspberry Pi2 and installed retropie successfully!
    Everything seems to work so far and i already figured out how to exit a rom :P

    My question is now, is it possible to setup hotkeys or shortcuts for commands like save state/ load state and fast forwand and rewind?


    Have you had chance to try that alt change yet?
    Can you use Select/Start in other emulators to return to ES ok?
    And in FBA – the yellow text appears at the bottom when you start – then if you hold left trigger and try the hotkeys, does anything happen?


    Try changing your
    input_enable_hotkey = nul
    input_enable_hotkey = alt

    And could you post your controller file?


    Can you run this once more?

    grep -rnw ‘/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/’ -e “USB,2-axis 8-button gamepad”

    And I’m assumign your fba retroarch.cfg file is just

    #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
    # All settings made here will override the global settings for the current emulator core
    input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/fba/
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "4"

    In reply to: Libretro-FBA Problems


    Hi Blockaboots,

    As herbfargus said, the ‘insert coin’ button doesn’t work as the ‘hotkey’ function is bound to the same button. Since you can’t change the ‘insert coin’ button, you’ll need to change the ‘hotkey’ button – I use a 360 controller for most arcade titles, and I find the XBox button on that works well (it doesn’t bind it to anything by itself, but if you’re editing the retroarch controller config it’s button 10). The problem only occurs on some games and not others, but it’s always the same games so I guess it’s something to do with what arcade hardware they ran on or something.

    As far as the other games not running, there are two main possibilities:
    – You need the right romset for the version of MAME you’re using (or in this case, FBA). There’s some good help on this wiki page: https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Managing-ROMs
    Using clrmamepro to make sure the right roms are in the right places can be a bit tricky for the beginner, but there’s some good guides around.

    – The other possibility is that some games need another file in the rom folder with them – a BIOS for the arcade hardware it ran on. The most common one is for games that run on the Neo Geo – you need neogeo.zip in the same folder as the ROM or they won’t work. On your list, the Metal Slug games definitely need neogeo.zip.

    While there’s nothing like the MAME onscreen menu in fba-libretro, you can get into the game’s settings. If you go into the Retroarch menu and go to Core Options, you’ll see two options called “Diagnostics” and “Neo Geo Unibios”. Try toggling them on and off in different combinations, exiting the menu back to the game in between each try – I’ve not figured out exactly what combination is the right one.

    When you get it right, the game’s settings menu will pop up as soon as you exit the Retroarch menu. You can then change setting such as difficulty, how many coins per play, how many points for an extra life and so on. Sometimes it’ll save the settings for the next time you start the emulator, sometimes it won’t – it depends on what arcade hardware the original game was on (which is annoying, as I really want to turn the red blood on in the Metal Slug games and it won’t save the settings for Neo Geo games!)

    Hope that’s helpful,

    (EDIT: I just remembered, if you want to look up specific games and see whether they’re parents or clones, progettoemma.net is a really useful site with plenty of information about every game.)


    In reply to: RetroPie 3 beta 4


    i could not find es_temporaryinput.cfg file as it was not there .

    ok this is the file after set up and right and left did not work .

    The first joypad configuration file (which we generate),

    input_device = “Microsoft X-Box 360 pad”
    input_driver = “udev”
    input_up = “h0up”
    input_right = “h0right”
    input_state_slot_increase = “h0right”
    input_down = “h0down”
    input_left = “h0left”
    input_state_slot_decrease = “h0left”
    input_a_btn = “0”
    input_b_btn = “1”
    input_reset_btn = “1”
    input_x_btn = “2”
    input_menu_toggle_btn = “2”
    input_y_btn = “3”
    input_r_axis = “+5”
    input_save_state_axis = “+5”
    input_r2_btn = “5”
    input_l3_btn = “9”
    input_r3_btn = “10”
    input_start_btn = “7”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “7”
    input_select_btn = “6”
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “6”
    input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0”
    input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0”
    input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1”
    input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1”
    input_r_x_plus_axis = “+3”
    input_r_x_minus_axis = “-3”
    input_r_y_plus_axis = “+4”
    input_r_y_minus_axis = “-4”

    This is the 2nd file and left and right works fine after removeing the 1st file and going to configure retroarch input devices .

    input_device = “Microsoft X-Box 360 pad”
    input_driver = “udev”
    input_b_btn = “1”
    input_y_btn = “3”
    input_select_btn = “6”
    input_start_btn = “7”
    input_up_btn = “h0up”
    input_down_btn = “h0down”
    input_left_btn = “h0left”
    input_right_btn = “h0right”
    input_a_btn = “0”
    input_x_btn = “2”
    input_l_btn = “4”
    input_r_btn = “5”
    input_l2_axis = “+2”
    input_r2_axis = “+5”
    input_l3_btn = “9”
    input_r3_btn = “10”
    input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0”
    input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0”
    input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1”
    input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1”
    input_r_x_plus_axis = “+3”
    input_r_x_minus_axis = “-3”
    input_r_y_plus_axis = “+4”
    input_r_y_minus_axis = “-4”
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “6”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “7”
    input_menu_toggle_btn = “2”
    input_load_state_btn = “4”
    input_save_state_btn = “5”
    input_reset_btn = “1”
    input_state_slot_increase_btn = “h0right”
    input_state_slot_decrease_btn = “h0left”

    All seems to be working fine again .


    In reply to: Libretro-FBA Problems


    Thanks for help

    Regarding the select button not working for adding a credit because it’s the hotkey, why does it work with 1944 Loop Master then?

    Is there no way to set game difficulty or any other settings with FBA like you can in MAME?

    Is there a libretro core for MAME on the RPi other than the one that uses the old 0.37 romset, nothing more up today’s that still runs well?

    Is there a list anywhere of FBA Roms that are not supported, I know like rolling thunder, rygar etc for some odd reason are supported in FBA.

    Is it possible to have MAME and FBA roms be shown in the same list in EmulationStation, so for the Roms that FBA doesn’t support I can use MAME and have these all in 1 list?


    Will removing the hotkey and exit buttons not cause an issue with all my other RetroArch emulators though?


    In reply to: Libretro-FBA Problems


    see this page: https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/FinalBurn-Alpha There is no in game menu other than the RGUI which can be opened by pressing select+x and you can make some changes there. The select key doesn’t work to input coins because it is the hotkey, you have to make your hotkey something other than select in order for it to add coins (see the above wiki page) as far as some roms not working either they are missing a bios (see also the above wiki page) or they are from the wrong romset and need to be rebuild to a romset compatible with lr-fba (see also above wiki page)… and this wiki page explains how to rebuild roms with clrmamepro:


    In your main retroarch.cfg

    Remove these lines
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = 6
    input_exit_emulator_btn = 7

    Just to be tidy, comment this out:
    input_menu_toggle = f1
    # input_menu_toggle = f1

    Replace your entire fba retroarch.cfg file with

    #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
    # All settings made here will override the global settings for the current emulator core
    input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/fba/
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "4"

    This will make your left shoulder button the hotkey enable button.
    So when you hold that and press Start it should exit the emulator.

    You also had these settings which you may or may not want to add

    custom_viewport_width = “823”
    custom_viewport_height = “480”
    custom_viewport_x = “15”
    custom_viewport_y = “0”
    video_refresh_rate = “50.000000”
    video_fullscreen_x = “640”
    video_fullscreen_y = “480”

    I’d suggest leaving them out.


    Hi guys,

    I have added the line:

    input_shader_next_btn = “-1”

    into the retroarch controller config, but it does not seem to work. The regular start+select, save state, etc all work.


    Try putting this line in your file:

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “4”

    It should set the left shoulder button as the hotkey for fba-libretro only.


    [quote=99846]I just deleted the “nul assignment” in the main retroarch.cfg in the last line for the hotkey and now I can navigate through Retroarch Menu and even exit with my controller, but retroarch still does not remember my configurations.

    E: Now I found out this:

    Select + Y Button on Controller = Freeze/No Inputs accepted
    Y (Search) Button in menu = Freeze/No Inputs accepted

    So entering the Menu with Select + f1 also does the trick for me. Workaround, but not a real fix :).

    Now everything ,except my analog sticks, is working (while analog to digital works fine).


    Same happen to me, lets see if someone find a fix for this


    [quote=99846]I just deleted the “nul assignment” in the main retroarch.cfg in the last line for the hotkey and now I can navigate through Retroarch Menu and even exit with my controller, but retroarch still does not remember my configurations.

    Now everything ,except my analog sticks, is working (while analog to digital works fine).


    for the saving thing, make sure the following is present in your main retroarch.cfg (I was having the same problem):

    config_save_on_exit = true

    and that will make sure that retroarch saves your config when you exit the emulator.

    wrt your analog sticks, not sure what the deal is there. I installed the ps3 driver and plugged in a ps3 controller via cable and it seems to work (tested in n64 emulator and the right stick did something with the C buttons) but I haven’t spent that much time with it as the main purpose of what im making is to emu the 8-bit/16-bit games.


    Hello there
    When I run jstest /dev/input/js0 I see all action on my buttons.
    Can I use one button to run a script to do this:
    sudo asound sset Master +1%

    and another button to do this
    sudo asound sset Master -1%

    I have everything up and running but cannot adjust volume from MAME. it works fine from all libretro emulators swith these lines in retroarch.cfg

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
    input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"
    input_volume_up_axis	= "-1"
    input_volume_down_axis	= "+1" 

    Hope there is something like this maybe: (please, I cannot script)
    if js0 btn3 is true then “run script”



    I just deleted the “nul assignment” in the main retroarch.cfg in the last line for the hotkey and now I can navigate through Retroarch Menu and even exit with my controller, but retroarch still does not remember my configurations.

    E: Now I found out this:

    Select + Y Button on Controller = Freeze/No Inputs accepted
    Y (Search) Button in menu = Freeze/No Inputs accepted

    So entering the Menu with Select + f1 also does the trick for me. Workaround, but not a real fix :).

    Now everything ,except my analog sticks, is working (while analog to digital works fine).


    I finally have it working! I just spent a ton of time changing things and trying to fix it. In the process, I ended up accidentally breaking it for my SNES controller, but I now have both my SNES controller and my 6-button Genesis controllers working.

    I believe (I’m not 100% sure) that the root of the problem was that in this file:


    the input_enable_hotkey value was commented out. Like I said, I believe that was the problem, but I can’t be 100% sure because I played around for quite a while.

    Thank you once again for your help!


    Well its good to know your mode button at least works. Sometimes configuration settings conflict- simplest way I’ve found to sort it out is to delete all the autoconfigs by typing this in the terminal:
    sudo rm /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/*.cfg

    Then you can rerun retroarch-joyconfig from the setup script and should automatically set the hotkeys for you.

    (As a simple test before you do any of the aforementioned things try going back into the hotkey menu mentioned above and selecting option 1 and see if that fixes it)

    See these two videos for reference:


    First off, thank you for your help and quick responses. I’m fairly new to all this, so I appreciate the help.

    So F1 did work and got me into the retroarch menu. I went through the process as described to enable 6 button controller for player 1. I then went to the retroarch.cfg and configured it like this:

    # All settings made here will override the global settings for the current emulator core

    video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/phosphor.glslp
    video_shader_enable = false
    video_smooth = false

    input_player1_b_btn = “1”
    input_player1_y_btn = “0”
    input_player1_a_btn = “2”
    input_player1_x_btn = “4”
    input_player1_l_btn = “3”
    input_player1_r_btn = “6”

    input_player1_start_btn = “9”
    input_player1_select_btn = “7”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “7”
    input_exit_emulator = “9”
    input_save_state = “3”
    input_load_state = “6”

    As it stands now, the 6 face buttons seem to work (yay!). However, the hotkey doesn’t seem to work. When I test my controller using JSTEST, the MODE button does work, and responds as 7. When I try hitting MODE and START to exit the game, nothing happens. Same with save state & load state.

    I also went to /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/config and opened up the cfg for my controller, and this is how that is set up, I’m not sure if it matters or not:

    input_device = “Mayflash Ltd Mayflash MD USB Adapter”
    input_driver = “udev”
    input_b_btn = “1”
    input_y_btn = “0”
    input_select_btn = “7”
    input_start_btn = “9”
    input_up_btn = “12”
    input_down_btn = “14”
    input_left_btn = “15”
    input_right_btn = “13”
    input_a_btn = “2”
    input_x_btn = “4”
    input_l_btn = “3”
    input_r_btn = “6”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “7”
    input_exit_emulator = “9”

    Any thoughts?


    make sure that you have configured hotkeys in your retroarch.cfg file

    for example, lets say you are running a snes emulator, go to your config file for your xbox controller. probably located in:


    edit it and make sure you include:

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6"
    input_exit_emulator_btn = "7"

    those are my button binds, substitute them for the buttons on your xbox controller, which you can find out using jstest. then pressing select and start should exit the emulator.


    so I just found out, that completely disconnecting the wireless receiver makes it at least possible to use the menu with the keyboard. I will go on and try some different combinations of installing drivers and using it without drivers, with no controllers connected etc.


    yeah, the combo of SELECT + f1 on my keyboard allows me to access the retro arch menu in-emu. a decent workaround as it lets me edit the cfg much easier now :D

    Regarding the “never needing to push a hotkey on the keyboard before where escape and f1 just worked” this has been issue since around January and to be honest I think its an issue with the retroarch code and the “nul” key binding this is the post I had on it a while back and never really sorted it out (I just changed the hotkey to alt from the setup script)



    hmm, I think I may have remapped something in the main retroarch.cfg then because I swear the ESC key and function keys work in the image of beta 2 that I burned to my SD card. but like i said above select + f1 seems to work and lets me navigate the retroarch gui menu just fine :D

    thanks for the advice y’all


    Hmm that is odd, usually select+x works to open the rgui. its possible either your hotkeys aren’t configured or your mode button just doesn’t work. but there is a way you can do with your keyboard (you should only have to do it once in theory). The hotkey for Rgui on the keyboard is F1 so one way to test if the mode button works is to hold it down while you press f1 on the keyboard while in a game and see if it opens up (this is all assuming that you are using a retroarch core rather than dgen) If it doesn’t you can configure the hotkey option as described in this post:

    ESC key not working to exit game back to emulationstation

    If you select option 2 you’ll hold down alt+F1 to access the RGUI, if you choose option 3 you’ll just press esc to open the rgui. see if any of those work


    I can also verify this and it has been posted as an issue on github



    Regarding the “never needing to push a hotkey on the keyboard before where escape and f1 just worked” this has been issue since around January and to be honest I think its an issue with the retroarch code and the “nul” key binding this is the post I had on it a while back and never really sorted it out (I just changed the hotkey to alt from the setup script)

    ESC key not working to exit game back to emulationstation


    If you note on the same page you referenced it talks about how to set up the 6 button mode through the retroarch rgui (hotkey select+x you may need a keyboard to navigate the rgui menu) and then go to options, core options, select 6 button gamepad, go back in the menu and select save configurations and upon rebooting the emulator you should be good to go.

    As far as the actual mode button itself it is equivalent to select (apologies I should have added the mode button to the diagram when I made it) which would also be your hotkey which may be why it doesn’t switch between 3 button mode and 6 button mode (similar to why the insert coin button doesn’t work as select on libretro-fba)- which in my opinion was kind of a redundant move on Sega’s part since the controller already had 6 buttons… Switching a mode doesn’t change the physical layout of the controller… But I digress. You may just have to manually change your settings in the rgui to enable 6 button mode as explained above and use the mode button as your hotkey. Alternatively you could disable select as a hotkey and see if the mode switching button works then (assuming that functionality was coded into retroarch in the first place).

    Also as a side note left bottom and right bottom refer to L1 and R1 as diagrammed on this xbox controller:


    But that point is moot as a 6 button Genesis controller doesn’t have shoulder buttons. Its just coded for controllers that do if people don’t have the exact same genesis controller since most modern controllers only have the 4 button layout and shoulders rather than a front facing 6 button layout.


    Hotkey overview here:

    It will be in here:


    I can’t seem to find where I need to change the hotkey button in my config. I am using an iBuffalo USB SNES pad.


    I have a hotkey button (SELECT) enabled for the controller for things like reset, exit emulator, save/load state. It works fine, but you never used to need to push the hotkey button just to use the keyboard keys. ESC would quit the emulator and F1 would open retroarch settings when you were in the emulator itself.


    make sure you’ve assigned a hotkey

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8” <–for example, my SNES USB select button is the hotkey… then i hold select on the gamepad and press F1 on the keyboard. and that’s how i access retroarch settings.


    I’ve installed a fresh image of ver 3.0 beta 3 for Pi2 and setup a generic snes usb pad through retroarch. It works great but I have some strange problems with retroarch when running the emulators as it seems to selectively disable certain keys on the keyboard, despite them being configured properly.

    For example, the function keys, and the ESC key do not work even though they are defined in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg but the arrow keys, the enter key, and some of the action buttons like the A key work just fine. It’s very confusing.

    I need to be able to access the retroarch menu in-game using the keyboard as emulationstation currently freezes if I open it with the hotkeys on the joypad. I’ve tried the keyboard plugged in on its own after booting a rom and ive tried it in different ports, but the same thing happens each time.

    Anyone else seeing this?


    well – some games in fba-libretro really dont like select being the hotkey, some games wont accept select as the coin button. So its common to set for fba-libretro, the hotkey to be something else like left trigger for example (you just override it in the fba retroarch.cfg).
    This way it seems to improve compatibility.

    Details here:

    FBA Retroarch core – coin controls

    Out of interest, what does your neogeo.zip for fba look like?
    Mine is here (which is based on the dat file):


    Hi, I am using iBuffalo USB SNES controllers on my R Pi2 and have Select as my hotkey and Start as exit key in my RetroArch controls.

    When I try to exit the FBA Libretro emulator whilst playing a Neo Geo game, these commands pull up the UNIBIOS menu instead and I have to use the Esc key on my keyboard to exit.

    I would like to just use the gamepads for all navigation, is there a way to change this? Using Select + Start works perfectly in all the other Libretro emulators, so I would like to keep that and assign UNIBIOS to some other combination.


    Hey there,

    My SNES USB controllers will not exit with the hotkey+start.

    I’ve run through the retroarch_setup.sh and registered this device and it’s configuration. All of the key mapping works properly in every emulator but the exiting hotkey does not work.

    I’m pretty familiar with this but I normally use GPIO setup.

    In my retroarch.cfg file, if I add the following:
    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”

    even thought the keymapping is correct, it is causing a conflict. Instead when I’m in a game (NES, Genesis, SNES, PSX, everything except PiFBA), pressing the “X” button on my gamepad will exit the emulator (this is button “0”)

    Retroarch registeres the device as “2Axes11KeysGamePad.cfg”

    I need to figure this out asap because it’s a customer’s unit.

    Please help!


    I tried using input_enable_hotkey_btn = “6+7” and that didn’t work.
    For instance in Super Metroid I want to hold L to aim upwards and hit Select to change missile types, but my enable hotkeys button is Select and my exit emulator hotkey is L, so I end up exiting.
    I want to make “Enable hotkey” require holding Select AND Start, not just select or start, to enable hotkeys. Is this possible?


    dragonaut92: It’s Retropie’s Graphic User Interface–a menu you can bring up while playing to enter system commands. You can set it up in the config file using a hotkey function, if you’re familiar with that.

Viewing 35 results - 386 through 420 (of 1,077 total)