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  • #29987

    Hi there,

    im about to completly freak out. i cant get the xbox controller to work. what i do is:
    cd RetroPie-Setup
    sudo ./retropie_setup.sh

    then install the xboxdrv after that go to the point “Register RetroArch Controller”. after that only the d-pad works the a and b button work in the emnulators.

    then i tried:
    sudo chown pi /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
    cd /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
    sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 0 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
    after that only the d-pad works in emulator.

    im pretty sure retroarch uses the “XboxGamepad(userspacedriver).cfg” where everythings is mapped correctly, since i can exit the emulator with L and Select. but why the hell do the other buttons dont work? i cant understand it. that makes no sense to me. please please help me.


    this is the used config:
    input_device = “Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver)”
    input_driver = “udev”
    input_b_btn = “0”
    input_y_btn = “2”
    input_select_btn = “8”
    input_start_btn = “9”
    input_up_axis = “-5”
    input_down_axis = “+5”
    input_left_axis = “-4”
    input_right_axis = “+4”
    input_a_btn = “1”
    input_x_btn = “3”
    input_l_btn = “4”
    input_r_btn = “5”
    input_l2_btn = “6”
    input_r2_btn = “7”
    input_l3_btn = “11”
    input_r3_btn = “12”
    input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0”
    input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0”
    input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1”
    input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1”
    input_r_x_plus_axis = “+2”
    input_r_x_minus_axis = “-2”
    input_r_y_plus_axis = “+3”
    input_r_y_minus_axis = “-3”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “4”
    input_save_state_btn = “3”
    input_load_state_btn = “1”


    perhaps someone can copy me his working cfg for a 360 controller?


    If you’re using RetroPie image 2.x you don’t need to install xboxdrv. The config you need to edit is retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all/

    Here is my retroarch.cfg setup for a 360 pad: https://www.petrockblock.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/retroarch_xbox360pad.zip


    i use 2.3. when i dont install the xboxdrv the controller doenst stop blinking at all 4 ports. the only way to solve that is to install the xboxdrv


    also i cant find that retroarch.cfg when i connect per ssh. folder structure seems diffrently


    Yes you can use xboxdrv instead of xpad: https://www.petrockblock.com/forums/topic/remove-xpad-and-use-xboxdrv-instead-to-stop-controller-light-flashing-constantly/

    retroarch.cfg location is /opt/retropie/configs/all/


    ok. what i did now:
    fresh image on sd. did nothing else as editing the retroarch.cfg in the folder you told me. mapped everything correctly…and still keys dont work. just a and b button work and strangly on the right analogue stick i can move left and right by pressing up and down.


    Can you post the contents of retroarch.cfg in plain text


    Hey I am having a slightly different issue here is my .cfg file

    I found when I had mapped the the controller as mentioned above things ran ok but I didnt have use of the thumbsticks or could I exit or save. I came across these settings and now things work great but I did notice that for some reason i can no longer start a game at Mario Kart on the snes for some reason.

    Any Ideas

    #Player 1
    input_player1_joypad_index = “0”
    input_player1_b_btn = “0”
    input_player1_y_btn = “2”
    input_player1_select_btn = “8”
    input_player1_start_btn = “9”
    input_player1_up_axis = “-1”
    input_player1_down_axis = “+1”
    input_player1_left_axis = “-0”
    input_player1_right_axis = “+0”
    input_player1_a_btn = “1”
    input_player1_x_btn = “3”
    input_player1_l_btn = “4”
    input_player1_r_btn = “5”
    input_player1_l2_btn = “6”
    input_player1_r2_btn = “7”
    input_player1_l3_btn = “11”
    input_player1_r3_btn = “12”
    input_player1_l_x_plus_axis = “+4”
    input_player1_l_x_minus_axis = “-4”
    input_player1_l_y_plus_axis = “+5”
    input_player1_l_y_minus_axis = “-5”
    input_player1_r_x_plus_axis = “+2”
    input_player1_r_x_minus_axis = “-2”
    input_player1_r_y_plus_axis = “+3”
    input_player1_r_y_minus_axis = “-3”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_save_state_btn = “5”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_load_state_btn = “4”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_state_slot_increase_btn = “7”

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_state_slot_decrease_btn =”6″

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_menu_toggle_btn = “3”

    #Player 2
    input_player2_joypad_index = “0”
    input_player2_b_btn = “0”
    input_player2_y_btn = “2”
    input_player2_select_btn = “8”
    input_player2_start_btn = “9”
    input_player2_up_axis = “-1”
    input_player2_down_axis = “+1”
    input_player2_left_axis = “-0”
    input_player2_right_axis = “+0”
    input_player2_a_btn = “1”
    input_player2_x_btn = “3”
    input_player2_l_btn = “4”
    input_player2_r_btn = “5”
    input_player2_l2_btn = “6”
    input_player2_r2_btn = “7”
    input_player2_l3_btn = “11”
    input_player2_r3_btn = “12”
    input_player2_l_x_plus_axis = “+4”
    input_player2_l_x_minus_axis = “-4”
    input_player2_l_y_plus_axis = “+5”
    input_player2_l_y_minus_axis = “-5”
    input_player2_r_x_plus_axis = “+2”
    input_player2_r_x_minus_axis = “-2”
    input_player2_r_y_plus_axis = “+3”
    input_player2_r_y_minus_axis = “-3”

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