Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Retropie 2.2 N64 emulator crash at start

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  • #12804

    Good evening,

    i really like this project, and respect the time you spent working and optimizing it. I Built my own case and had some fun playing some SNES games with Friends. Well N64 would be even more fun.

    my Raspberry Pi (Model B, with 512mb RAM) using the retropie image 2.2. Wont boot any n64 roms.

    unfortunatelly the log doesnt told much about the problem (just rom closed):
    Image of the log

    hope you guys can help me find a solution! :)

    Greetings, and sorry for the grammar


    I don’t think anyone is having much luck with N64 recently:

    N64 problems

    All recent versions that I have tried that have worked have been very choppy and are generally unplayable.
    Some promising progress is being made however in Mupen64plus as detailed here:

    Mupen64plus (ricrpi branch)

    …so watch this space…

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