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  • padraigdoran

    After reading around and doing some testing based on what I read, I did the following to get them working:

    Edit this file:

    input_libretro_device_p1 = “5”
    where p1 above is the player number, like p1, p2, etc

    and set
    input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = “1”
    for each player also.

    Restart and that will allow the analog sticks to work in the games. It doesn’t work in emulationstation for some reason but that is not such a big deal.


    I’m on 3 rc 1 and the analogue sticks don’t work anywhere in emulationstation. It’s strange though, they did get picked up when initially configuring the gamepads.

    in reply to: Continuous monitoring of temperature via SSH #86003

    Why not just use the watch command

    watch -n3 vcgencmd measure_temp

    where 3 is the number of seconds before the next call

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