Forum Replies Created
Participantalright all… sorry its taken me so long…
ok so when i run jstest here is what i get when i press anything-
axes 0: left= -32767
right= 32767
axes 1: up= -32767
down= 32767
buttons 0= , 1= A, 2= B, 3= , 4= , 5= , 6= , 7= , 8= SELECT, 9= STARTbuttons 0,3,4,5,6,7 do not exist on this controller and the axis is a standard 4 way directional
hope this helps
Participantwanna say it shows as axis0 for left/right and axis1 for up/down… not exactly sure as im not looking at it and cant set it up at the moment and its ben a while since I last messed with it… if you need specifics I will get back as soon as I can but hopefully this might help
Participantup= -32656
down= 32656
left= -32656
right= 32656don’t remember if those are the EXACT numbers… but its close
Participantnot IN game… the directional works fine in the menu and I even plugged it into my laptop with an emulator program and it works just fine… so I know its not the controller… the problem is in the config file which I have yet to figure out… but im working on it… in the mean time if anyone can figure this out PLEASE let me know…
ParticipantNo dice… err… sort of??? The pad now allows me to use all the buttons except the directional pad… tried messing with settings in the retroarch.cfg file and cant get the directional to work
ParticipantBinaries based install works!!! Thanks for the fix
ParticipantUsing 16GB SD with full capacity… The card is empty except for Raspbian and retropie
ParticipantWell… I guess it’s good to see that im not the only one… that it’s probably an error in the programming… hopefully it’s fixed soon… in the mean yime I think ill try one of the image downloads and see if that works out
ParticipantI also followed the wiki/first install link and followed it the letter and this was what I ended up with… I also connected using cyberduck and searched through the directories and sure enough the file path wasn’t there… I have everything up to the /supplimentary file but nothing after that…