Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Line 11: Directory Missing… RetroPie won't run…

  • This topic has 18 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by rob80.
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    Line 11 /home/pi/retropie/supplementary/EmulationStation/emulationstation: No such file or directory…

    So I downloaded with the Binaries option in the RetroPie script and now it wont run because of the above directory not being found.

    Obviously I’m missing something… Any ideas???


    OK, now I had something like this problem, but slightly different. Mine was it would not load up the games. Now I found this to be since I had downloaded a version not from the site. Then also I followed the instructions here:https://github.com/retropie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/First-Installation
    Followed that to the dot. One part did not work saying it was already there. You can ignore that. But if you followed thoes, it should have made that directory. You can check to see if its there if you use cyberduck to connect to your PI. Then follow that directory. If not, then something went haywire during your download. Here is the link to my problem and my fix if you want to follow it :https://www.petrockblock.com/forums/topic/snes-and-nes-roms-do-not-work/#post-4568


    I also followed the wiki/first install link and followed it the letter and this was what I ended up with… I also connected using cyberduck and searched through the directories and sure enough the file path wasn’t there… I have everything up to the /supplimentary file but nothing after that…


    I tried the installation last night and have the same issue.

    I used the same installation process except for two exceptions:
    (1) My SD card is partitioned for multiple OS’ using NOOBS
    (2) I elected for the Souce-Based Installation (custom), not Binaries

    The error is the same:
    Line 11 /home/pi/retropie/supplementary/EmulationStation/emulationstation: No such file or directory…


    Well… I guess it’s good to see that im not the only one… that it’s probably an error in the programming… hopefully it’s fixed soon… in the mean yime I think ill try one of the image downloads and see if that works out


    Was there sufficient space on your SD card?

    My SD card was near capacity due to the partitioning so I may try a larger card.


    Using 16GB SD with full capacity… The card is empty except for Raspbian and retropie


    Same problem here – the directory that should contain emulation station doesn’t even exist.

    It was working fine for me using the pre configured SD card image, but I decided I wanted to install it into my standard Raspbian install using the script based installer so that I wasn’t dedicating an entire SD card to RetroPie.

    I followed the instructions to a T but something is wrong with the installer. I saw quite a number of errors scroll by saying that it couldn’t copy certain files because the directory didn’t exist etc, so I’m going to run it again with stderr redirected to a file to see if I can capture the script errors.


    There was an update in the script that affected the download and unarchiving of the binaries. I just changed that part of the script back to its original state. The binaries-based installation should work again! Could you post your findings here, please?


    My Source-Based custom installation (option 2?) was successful. Thanks!


    Binaries based install works!!! Thanks for the fix


    Sorry I forgot to reply – I downloaded again a couple of hours after the script changes were made and can report that the binary install now works properly for me too.



    Just did a fresh install of raspbian, and installed the RetroPie from binaries, and get the missing file error.
    Any solution?


    I updates the binaries archive recently. Does a new binaries-based installation work for you? Take care that you have enough disk space available. The last binaries archive accidentally got way too large …


    I’ve installed from the SD card image meanwhile.
    Thanks for the reply.


    I have followed a few guides to the T and I have ONLY roms inside of my retropie directory. Nothing else. The last guide I went off of is http://supernintendopi.wordpress.com/ . At first I used the RetroPie Project SD Card Image and thats when I noticed it first. So I decided to start over and do it the very long way to still find no directories. I can get into emulationstation and I have all the roms showing in SNES I also can open the games and hear them but I cant control them at all. I can control emulationstation though. The step I continue to get stuck at Configuring Controllers and Other Settings.

    cd RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
    ./retroarch-joyconfig >> ~/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

    BTW I have a USB SNES controller.


    Justin – the supernintendopi page was previously great – I used it myself successfully for installing v1.9 and 1.10. The current release has a different folder structure however as described in the blog post here:

    Major Update for RetroPie

    retroarch.cfg for example is located in /opt/retropie/configs

    Hope this helps!


    is there a link to a valid guide cuz it looks like I have to do it all over again. I am missing so many directories. I dont have opt/retropie/configs directory either….frustrated and kids keep giving me sad faces.


    I just did fresh install from binaries and missing emulationstation. Errors came up at end of install saying it was unable to install snes9x and one other that I forgot the name of… This is the 8th time I installed from Binaries I’m giving up on this program soon. I had it working originally and then I got the dot error, then I updated and my es_config file didn’t exist so I redid my entire sd card from scratch. I’m getting frustrated…

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