Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Multiple Questions: Dgen input, RAM Importance, and SNES Performance

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    Hi, sorry if this is the wrong board, but I have multiple questions and was hoping this would be the best place to get help for it.

    1) So I have been doing pretty well at configuring all the emulators to work how I want and with my PS3 controller but I have been unable to get the Genesis emulator to work with my controls. I know it doesn’t follow the RetroArch controls, but no matter what dgen config file I try to toy with, it doesn’t use my PS3 controller how I want. It has a very strange default configuration that I hate. So what file do I edit and what is the syntax for that file?

    2) I have a 256MB Pi from the very first batch of them. Everything seems to run very well except some SNES games (more on that later.) Is there a major performance difference if I were to acquire a 512MB model?

    3) So SNES is one of my favorite platforms however some games perform very poorly on the Raspberry Pi, mainly the Kirby games as well as Yoshi’s Island. I like these games very much and would like to play them on the Pi. Is there a way to improve SNES performance overall? Do the other SNES emulators work better for this? Or is this a RAM-related issue?

    Thank you all very much for taking the time to help me. I love the RetroPie project.

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