Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Yet another joystick issue! Help please!


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  • #6863

    Hi, I’d like to throw my joystick woes into the mix in the hope that someone has a solution for me!

    I’ve read through other threads on the RPi forums – mame4all-pi in particular – and noticed similar but not identical issues, but none of the fixes seem to apply to my exact problem.

    I have updated to all the latest binaries and am trying to map the buttons for my Arcade Pro (Datel Arcade Stick) in RetroArch, but despite being able to map all the buttons I need, I get absolutely no response from the 6 axis joystick. I have successfully managed to map my PS3 controllers to use their analogue sticks, so I know it is possible to map 3rd party controllers to my build.

    My jstest output is:
    Joystick (Datel Arcade Stick) has 6 axes (X, Y, Z, Rz, Hat0X, Hat0Y)
    and 13 buttons (BtnX, BtnY, BtnZ, BtnTL, BtnTR, BtnTL2, BtnTR2, BtnSelect, BtnSt                                               art, BtnMode, BtnThumbL, BtnThumbR, ?).
    Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
    Axes:  0:-32767  1:-32767  2:-32767  3:-32767  4:     0  5:     0 Buttons:  0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off  7:off  8:off  9:off 10:off 11:off 12:off

    The thing I don’t understand is that the buttons all register responses as expected, however, when I test the joystick, the only values that change are those on axis 4 and 5 – they simply register values that are a combination of 32767 and/or -32767.

    This has left me completely confused and strikes me as the reason mame4all doesn’t really know how to handle it.

    It then is further complicated by the fact the sdljoystick output only read 4 axes:

    1 joysticks found
    4 numaxes
    0 numballs
    1 numhats
    13 numbuttons

    Has any one got any idea what is going on and how I could fix this?

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