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    I’ve been compiling RetroPie for the last 12 hours now….When I got to the Wolf3d emulator I started getting time out errors connecting to http://www.radix-16.com. This error kept repeating, every minute, for about 20 attempts. I decided I should post something here about it, but just as I started to it gave up on wolf3d and moved on to the next emulator…awesome. But I decided I should post something anyway.

    So I’m using putty from windows, and I decide I should copy the message. No problem just highlight the text and press ctrl-c.

    Whoops. CTRL-C = interrupt, not copy. Wonderful. Now I want to punch a kitten.

    Say…has anyone managed to setup an easy way to cross compile software for the Pi on a system with some actual processing power? I tried Qemu and found that it actually runs slower than the Pi, so it’s pointless.


    Ok turns out I didn’t have to punch kitty. I restarted the script and it seemed to know what was already done. It finished in another hour and said it failed installing retroarch. I ran the script again and deselected everything except retroarch. Good to go now.

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