Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Emulation Station Themes Theme background music help

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    So I was messing around with recalbox to see if it would be an easier alternative for my brother, which it is, but I was jealous to hear background music for each theme in the main menu, so my questions are

    *can background music be added to any theme in retropie?

    *how do I accomplish this?

    I noticed in the simple theme.xml there are commented out codes for sounds so im sure theres just files i need to add and xml’s i need to edit, im just hoping to get someone elses more expierenced opinion, i think the music in the background just adds so much to the overall greatness that is retropie I would love to be able to add it to my setup


    Not supported. You’d have to custom code it into emulationstation like recalbox did.


    Oh ok, do you think that will ever be added in a future version, I know no one is really working on retropie at the moment but just wondering


    Maybe in the very distant future, its quite low on the priority list as we’re sorting out Jessie stability along with Bluetooth, multiplatform support etc.


    Ok thanks for the info, I’ll keep my fingers crossed then

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