Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Standalone Kodi menu within Emulation Station only present on some insallations

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  • #121967

    Hi everyone,

    short version: The standalone Kodi menu within Emulation Station is present on some builds, not on others (appears only in Ports), using same hardware and images

    I have Kodi installed via the Experimental option on the Retropie-setup menu. I’m getting different results each time I setup an installation on my Pi 3 (I’ve done this several times for various reasons). Once Kodi appeared as a standalone menu, but most times it appears only under Ports.

    The following wiki page contains a custom kodi.sh script to achieve what I want, but one of the comments notes that it is no longer needed, and I’ve seen it work without needing any manual intervention – very odd:

    All installations have been performed on:
    Raspberry Pi 3
    Raspbian Jesse (image from Raspbian.org – not Lite or Noobs)
    updated and upgraded via apt-get
    RetroPie 3.6 – installation via github; binaries; updated to latest retropie-setup script

    Prior Attempts and Unsuccessful Changes I’ve made:

    – When I first installed Kodi via the Retropie menu (about 2 weeks ago), it appeared under the Ports menu, and ran fine. The base Raspbian image was 26/2/2016

    – I created a new installation on a larger SD Card (about 1 week ago); this time when I installed Kodi it appeared as a standalone menu entry. I assumed that there’d been some minor change, liked it, and thought no more of it.

    – Last night I broke Raspbian’s desktop, and decided to reinstalled from scratch. Using a slightly newer Raspbian Jessie (18-03-2016), I repeated all steps as before, but found Kodi back under the Ports menu.

    – I tried removing Kodi, installing Kodi from the command line, and by launching the RetroPie-Setup tool within Emulation Station. I was unable to produce the standalone Kodi menu

    – I got the same result when I again wiped the SD Card and repeated everything, ensuring I launched Emulation Station at least once before rebooting and using the Experimental menu option to install Kodi. Again the Kodi entry was only under the Ports section

    I tried adding an <system> entry into /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg, using the values from the (now outdated, apparently) script found here: https://github.com/retropie/retropie-setup/wiki/kodi

    <extension>.sh .SH</extension>
    <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 _SYS_ kodi %ROM%</command>

    I also tried creating a folder in:
    and placed a dummy file in there (as Emulation Station tends to hide menus for systems with no roms)

    None of this had the desired effect – I still have no standalone Kodi menu.

    Can anybody enlighten me?


    It was pulled recently from the builds because it could cause EmulationStation to crash hard and easily. So more recent updates have it removed.


    Thanks for confirming that Zerojay, I thought I was going slightly insane there for a while!


    You can always follow github to learn what’s changing and why:



    Thanks herbfargus. Not sure why I didn’t think of that until sometime after my original post – I use github anyway!

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