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  • #86053

    I cannot seem to get sixad profiles to apply. The controller connects but all leds keep blinking and my default profile is ignored. Any suggestions? Using RetroPie 2.3

    EDIT: After using the Setup PS3 controller option in the Retro setup script I updated the firmware. After a reboot the controller now only shows the 1 led. Its nice that it is not blinking all of them anymore but the default profile is still ignored. For example if I edit the profile to disable LEDs all together it still lights up the 1.

    Also trying to stop sixad in a variety of ways doesn’t disconnect the controller. I try just running ‘sixad –stop’ or ‘sudo sixad –stop’ and even ‘sudo service sixad stop’. It seems to have no effect on the connection status of the controller :/.

    Also I cannot get more than one controller paired at a time. Both have their macs set via sixpair but only one will connect at a time. The other just blinks until it times out. Also holding the PS button to disconnect the controller seems to turn off bluetooth -_-.

    DOUBLE-EDIT: Tried 2.4.2. Also no dice. This feels a bit ridiculous. As much as I hate to be “that” guy who bitches and gives up, I’m afraid I am now that guy. I feel like the last few days fighting RetroPie has been a colossal waste of time. The hard work by everyone involved is appreciated but apparently I have terrible luck.

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