Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Segmentation fault running lr-mame2003 on RPi1

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    Hi All,

    I am making some test with my old Raspberry Pi Model B and trying to figure out how far it could go, mame4all works perfect as far as I tested and now I am trying with the next romset (0.78) and I am not able to run any game.

    After lauching the game (Specifically msulg5nd.zip) the RPi return to the rom selection screen and no error is logged. I only get this error on /opt/runcommand.log

    /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh: line 788: 1989 Segmentation fault /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2003/mame2003_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/mame-libretro/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-libretro/mslug5nd.zip" --appendconfig /tmp/retroarch.cfg

    I saw similar errors for other emulators but I am no sure how to tackle this.

    Any suggestion will be much appreciated.


    PD: I am using RetroPie 3.6


    Thanks @dankcushions you are damn right,

    Not sure why I did not checked that before… but I checked two different roms and I assume that the problem was the emu, but those two roms were msulg4 and msulg5 (both unsupported on 0.78 romset)

    The emulator is working fine (slow FPS on RPi1) at this time for supported roms, such as mslug3 and others.

    Thanks for the quick reply :)


    that’s kinda cool you get any running :) you should fill out the sheet above if you plan on testing a lot of roms on the pi1, but i imagine most will be ‘has issues’ for slowdown :)



    I added the information for mslug3, the only rom I’ve tested at this moment with lrmame2003.

    I want to get the more from my RPi so I will try other roms also (lighter roms) and test also with overclock so I will definitely add my experience to the sheet.

    Thanks for your time!

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