Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Sd card problems. How to make room?.

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    Hi there, i’m new to the linux and pi.
    Last week i bought my first pi. It’s the pi 2 b.
    I have tried openelec, success. Easy.
    Also raspbian, also easy install.

    Now i have retropie. Installation on sd was easy but the emulator won’t start because there is no room on the card.
    Via raspi-config adding more space was not successful.
    Get an error.

    What do i need to do?


    how3 big of an sd card are you using?


    My card is a 8gb class 4. It’s a sandisk.


    At this moment i’m looking at the sd…
    Partition 1 is 57mb. It’s called Boot.
    Second partition is 7,34gb.

    What the pi says is that i have 1,8gb and 0 free.


    You should remove second partition with partition tool and resize the first one to full capacity of sd card.

    It would be easier to remove all partitions and create just one and start over again.


    What you say is that i have to resize the boot partition to full capacity?


    Why is it when i install raspian or open elec it works and retropie it won’t?
    Today i tried some more but it won’t boot. Even with a newly downloaded image.

    Is it possible to get the emulation station working in raspian?


    no – the boot partition should not be resized. sounds like the partitions are already correct – maybe the filesystem didn’t resize for some reason..

    rewrite the downloaded retropie image to your sd card, boot into it, exit emulationstation and run

    sudo raspi-config

    and try expanding again.

    if that doesn’t work I will try and help debug further. it shouldn’t give an error when resizing.


    Ok, first of all. When booting i get that splash screen. After that i get some text telling me the time and date, disk info and cpu temp…

    File system rootfs…

    Still it’s not possible to make a change in the file system using raspi-config.

    Is this a problem in the image file? Maybe a permission thing?


    this is after writing a new image ?

    So you are saying emulationstation (the emulator launch menu), didn’t load or you exited from it ?

    is there any error printed above the text you mention ?


    I get the splash screen, after that i get: error creating config directory, no space left on device.

    Line 11:2629


    sorry – but please answer all the questions I have asked or I won’t be able to advise.

    I need to know if you are starting with a fresh image – there should be some free space unless you have copied files there already, or changed something. If you are using the existing set up as from earlier, we need to try again from writing the initial image to the sd card, and doing the first boot.


    I tried to format it but windows only saw the 50mb boot partition.
    Is that the problem?


    Don’t try and format anything. Please read and answer the questions I am asking – I’m trying to find out if this is a newly written image.

    Please write the the latest retropie image onto the sdcard – using Win32 Disk Imager – I have no idea if you are starting with a fresh image or not. It shouldn’t be out of space completely if you are.

    see below for some instructions on how to write the image and resize after first boot.

    An A to Z Beginners Guide to Installing RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 2 B+


    Please wait a moment. I’ll format the card this time with sdformatter using full format with overwrite.

    Hope it will be as new again.
    Then i’ll get a new image on it again and try again on the pi.


    I formatted the card, installed retropie and started it up.
    Expand memory succeeded this time and the emulation station started.
    Now i need more emulators i guess.

    Reformatting my card was the solution. Thanks for the help.


    Glad you are all sorted. cheers.

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