Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! rpi2 keeps crashing at splash screen


  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #102062

    Hello, Smarter People of the Internet!

    I haven’t been able to get Retropie to run even once. I installed raspbian and my Pi2 works fine though.

    I’ve tried both versions of the rpi 2 SD card images. They both get to the splash screen then crash with the error:

    illegal instruction $es_bin “$@”, though on a different line

    I formatted the SD cards in Fat32 using Gparted in Linux. Used DD to mount the image.

    Seriously, this should be the easiest part and I’ve gotta be doing something dumb but damned if I can figure out what.

    I appreciate any help!


    Here’s the line I used to mount the image. The image seems to be mounting fine but again, it’s never run so I’m not sure if I’m making a mistake here.

    Thanks again!


    The cabinet’s an original Superman that someone painted black. New switches with enough buttons for SNES all wired to the Pi. 24″ monitor. cheapo 3 piece speakers but the sub thumps the cabinet.

    I’ve got some gloss black acrylic and a heat gun to cut it with but I’m sure as hell not doing that until I get the damn thing working!


    The error could be happened because the size of micro sd card. The recommended is 4GB at least. So after loaded the emulation station, is necessary expand the partition to use the free space of sd card. Quit the ES , on the shell write sudo raspi-config. Select the option Expand the filesystem. Reboot the pi. Try and tell me if this helps you to solve your problem. Retropie is amazing!!


    Thanks! I ended up installing from binaries and it works! Going through that process though I DID expand the file system and I think that’s what was holding me back. It’s the only thing I can think of anyways.

    Good call! I appreciate it! Hope this helps somebody else!

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