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  • #110338

    Dear all

    Firslty appologies i f this is answered elsewhere (a quich search and i couldn’t find answers of the like).

    I have a RetroPi running ace, love it no problem EXCEPT my SD card is 8gb, due to my lust of gaming this is now depleted already..I bought a larger card (64 GB)

    I did the Win32 “create image” (based upon my working 8gb …and using same software “write” the image to 64Gb SD card BUT when i stick the ^4 into the Pi is runs script and stops at a prompt saying: “pi@(none):” when I run raspi-config or emulationstation it gives loads of linux script looking in opt/… folders and then goes back to the prompt. F**king annoying as the whole copy image thing should be no problem..any ideas?

    Saving that I will run from the original image (as downloaded) and copy my ROMS over using FTP.

    Any ideas suggestions ?

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