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  • #6406

    Since the new installation came out, I’ve noticed that a few roms don’t run quite right. Mostly Mario roms (NES and SNES), but also Kirby’s Adventure and Mega Man 3. They run slowly, like the game takes place in a thick, cheese soup.

    Other roms run fine.

    Any clue why?


    I have the same problem since one month. Retroarch runs slower with threaded video. Seems to be a library problem. If i use older userland libs (https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland/) threaded video is faster and there is no audio stuttering.

    If i checkout the following commit everything runs as expected:

    1. delete or rename directory /opt/vc
    2. install old userland libs

    export CFLAGS=" -march=armv6j -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp -O2"
    git clone --depth=0 git://raspberrypi/userland.git
    cd userland
    git checkout c5749b99f2
    sudo ./buildme

    Be aware that rpi-update overwrites /opt/vc

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