Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project PSP Emulator lr-ppsspp performance questions.

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  • #110813

    Hi All,

    I was able to compile the lr-ppsspp a million thanks to Buzz for his help.
    I am in the process of converting my umd library t iso using my fat psp and custom firmware. I do know that the PI2 has limitations and not all games will run correctly, how ever, I am curious to see what people have done to make your emulator run smooth. I have been searching for tweaks and config changes but there is not a whole lot of information out there. I did find these settings in retroarch-core config file and I was wondering if there is a list of options somewhere or anything people have done to make it run better.

    Here are the core options. I did notice performance gain enabling frame skip but this is a far as I have taken it.
    ppsspp_cpu_core = “jit”
    ppsspp_locked_cpu_speed = “off”
    ppsspp_language = “automatic”
    ppsspp_rendering_mode = “buffered”
    ppsspp_auto_frameskip = “enabled”
    ppsspp_frameskip = “2”
    ppsspp_framerate_limit = “0”
    ppsspp_force_max_fps = “disabled”
    ppsspp_audio_latency = “0”
    ppsspp_internal_resolution = “480×272”
    ppsspp_output_resolution = “480×272”
    ppsspp_button_preference = “cross”
    ppsspp_fast_memory = “enabled”
    ppsspp_set_rounding_mode = “enabled”
    ppsspp_block_transfer_gpu = “enabled”
    ppsspp_texture_scaling_level = “1”
    ppsspp_texture_scaling_type = “xbrz”
    ppsspp_texture_anisotropic_filtering = “off”
    ppsspp_texture_deposterize = “disabled”
    ppsspp_internal_shader = “off”
    ppsspp_gpu_hardware_transform = “enabled”
    ppsspp_vertex_cache = “enabled”
    ppsspp_prescale_uv = “disabled”
    ppsspp_separate_io_thread = “disabled”
    ppsspp_unsafe_func_replacements = “enabled”
    ppsspp_sound_speedhack = “disabled”
    ppsspp_threaded_input = “disabled”


    use ppsspp – it is faster and more compatible than the libretro core.


    Ok Buzz..

    Once more..


    I will provide feedback on this.

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