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    I am testing some old msx games with retropie 3 and I have some issues when I want to use disks based game. It seems that by default, the emulator (bluemsx or frmsx) load rom by default and I can’t find where I can change the fact that it must start using inserted disk instead…
    Thanks for your help!


    I strongly recommend to install Open MSX emulator from experimental packages.
    It is as good as bluemsx, but you can have full control of the emulator, access to the menu, manually change the media (disks, tapes, cartridges) and everything works great.
    The only problem is the installation, which takes a long time (almost an hour on RPI2) but I think it’s worth.


    I have tested to use the experimental openmsx package but the compilation fail. So here is some steps to do this by hand:

    Download openmsx http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmsx/openmsx-0.11.0.tar.gz (source code)
    scp the file in pi@retropie:/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build

    cd /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build
    sudo tar -xzvf /home/pi/openmsx-0.11.0.tar.gz
    cd openmsx-0.11.0

    memory=$(free -t -m | awk ‘/^Total:/{print $2}’)
    size=$((memory – needed))
    mkdir -p “$__swapdir/”
    fallocate -l ${size}M “$swapfile”
    sudo mkswap “$swapfile”

    sed -i “s|INSTALL_BASE:=/opt/openMSX|INSTALL_BASE:=$md_inst|” build/custom.mk
    sed -i “s|SYMLINK_FOR_BINARY:=true|SYMLINK_FOR_BINARY:=false|” build/custom.mk
    sudo make install

    wget “http://downloads.petrockblock.com/retropiearchives/openmsxroms.zip”
    mkdir -p “$md_inst/share/systemroms/”
    sudo unzip openmsxroms.zip -d “$md_inst/share/systemroms/”

    sudo swapoff “$swapfile” 2>/dev/null
    sudo rm -f “$swapfile”

    vi /opt/retropie/configs/msx/emulators.cfg

    * Add the line: openmsx=”/opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/bin/openmsx -cart %ROM%”
    * Modify: default=”openmsx”

    This works. Now I am a little stuck with the configuration of openmsx for using different roms and use disks. I try to use the inside shell but I still have to understand how it works…


    Somehow above instructions didn’t work for me.
    I’m using a clean install of Retropie 3.0 and I got some errors and missing libraries.

    So I decided to figure out how to compile and install OpenMSX myself.

    This is what was working for me:

    DOWNLOAD & Unpack OpenMSX:
    sudo su
    cd /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmsx/openmsx-0.11.0.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf openmsx-0.11.0.tar.gz
    cd openmsx-0.11.0
    Install Dependencies:
    nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    ADD this Line: deb-src http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi
    apt-get update && apt-get update && apt-get dist-update
    apt-get build-dep openmsx
    Edit Build options:
    nano build/custom.mk
    Change These lines:
    Make + Install:
    make install
    Add MSX Roms:
    CD ..
    wget http://downloads.petrockblock.com/retropiearchives/openmsxroms.zip
    mkdir -p /opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/share/systemroms/
    unzip openmsxroms.zip -d /opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/share/systemroms/
    Configure Retropie:
    nano /opt/retropie/configs/msx/emulators.cfg
    ADD this Line: openmsx=/opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/bin/openmsx -cart %ROM%

    After some research, I’ve managed to load Disk images in OpenMSX from the EmulationStation GUI.

    The reason why by default Disk Images don’t work is that OpenMSX uses C-Bios. This is an Open Source MSX Bios, that only supports cartridges. It does not have a Disk Bios and Disk-Basic.

    To work arround this, you have to add ‘real’ Machine Rom’s
    My ROM’s of choice are the MSX Turbo-R Rom’s from the Panasonic FS-A1GT

    First you have use this configuration of retropie:
    (If you used my previous instruction remove -cart from the added line)

    Configure Retropie:

    sudo su
    nano /opt/retropie/configs/msx/emulators.cfg
    ADD this Line: openmsx=/opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/bin/openmsx %ROM%

    Download and extract the Bios Files

    cd /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build
    wget http://www.msxinfo.net/files/fsa1gt.zip
    unzip fsa1gt.zip -d /opt/retropie/emulators/openmsx/share/machines/

    Then boot OpenMSX using a random cartridg.
    From within OpenMSX open the commandline using F10

    Use the following commands to change the default machine:

    set default_machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT

    Now OpenMSX accepts DiskImages


    Today I finalized my OpenMSX setup, with some proper key bindings, so games like Metal Gear are playable.

    I’m running rertropie on my Picade Cabinet, that has a Joystick and 10 buttons.
    I’ve created a settingsfile that binds the keys as follows:


    To install these bindings, you can download the settingsfile:

    cd /home/pi/.openMSX/share/
    mv settings.xml settings.bak
    wget http://www.msxinfo.net/files/settings.xml

    All previous custom changes ar backed up to settings.bak, if you had some settings you can merge these with the settings.xml file.


    Thank you so much for all the info! :)

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