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  • #82693

    Hey everyone!

    So I’m a bit new to the Retropie and have unfortunatly not had the time (or money) to pick up a 128GB usb drive just for my emulation system. As a temporary way around this I found this article(Link below) that a few people were using to link their roms on a usb off of their main sd card.

    I’ve tried a few various methods and even have gone through the comments section to find that this article is outdated and am looking to see if anyone knows how I might go about doing this as I have a USB laying around and really would like to have more than a few games on my system till I can afford to buy a larger drive.

    I’ve tried doing the below:
    sudo cp /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg ~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
    sudo into the copied file
    change the path inside <path> for each emulator
    save, reboot

    Additionally what I’ve been doing with each emulator is creating a script with 7-zip to delete duplicate roms and in most cases roms that have foreign copies. If you could let me know on the above or if anyone has gotten another way to make this work that’d be great!

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