Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie Keyboard configuration for doom pr-boom

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    summary: when I launch doom I can use wasd and enter keys only. (enter to open the menu and ws to go up and down) I am unable to make a selection on the menu to start the game. I can use space+enter to exit retroarch (space is select and enter is start)

    Installation: Raspian Jesse image, configured keyboard to US 104 generic, then grabbed the Retro-Pie script and installed from binaries.

    My config/doom/retroarch.cfg is default.
    Currently there is no pr-boom.cfg.

    Goal: I want to get setup to play doom using keyboard/mouse combo.

    So far all of the configs seem geared to making the keyboard emulate a controller. How to I get the keyboard to just be a keyboard within retroarch/pr-boom?


    i have an issue like this also. it seems that doom actually is not recognizing the keys correctly. for example enter is being recompensed as escape. Have you Found any solutions yet?


    I installed the non retro-arch prboom last night using
    sudo apt-get install prboom
    The controls on that version are working fine, I only played the first level but everything seemed to be in order, even the mouse worked.

    I’m not sure if there is still a performance difference between the lib-retro prboom and standalone prboom. I’d like to use the libretro version for the sake of consistency with the rest of emulation station but it just seems broken atm.


    It looks like doom requires the enter key be mapped. Retroarch only maps a subset of keys to emulate a controller which unfortunately doesn’t include the enter key. And like you have seen the enter key becomes the escape key.

    Quake seems to be playable in this state because it accepts something other than ‘enter’ to make selections in the menu.

    Until there is a fix for retroarch to be more keyboard friendly then I think using prboom directly is the best bet.


    I deleted the prboom.cfg in ~/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom folder and relaunched doom from emulationstation. This puts it back to the config that comes “out of the box” when you install emulationstation. This puts it in a “playable” state but the controls will be whatever you configured in emulation station. Trying to change the controls from within the game will likely result in disaster since only the keys mapped in emulation station will be recognized. So basically the libretro doom is only good if you want to use a controller. I wasn’t able to get the mouse working with this.

    I’ve decided to remove libretro prboom and stick with the regular prboom since it has full use of the keyboard/mouse.

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