Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project How do I run DOS roms natively in RetroPie?

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    I’d like to be able to run DOS games like Quake and launch them from EmulationStation without having to whip out a keyboard and mouse and go into LXDE. However I’ve search high and low and can’t find any help online for how to do this. Could anyone please give me a hint on how to install DOS games properly? Obviously the Doom and Duke3d ports work, but how to get them there is a whole ‘nother beast as far as I know. Thanks all.


    You can’t run them natively. You run them through DOSBox.

    Launch DOSBox and mount your dos folder. For example

    mount c /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/dos

    You can also add the mount command to the DOSBox config file located at /home/pi/.dosbox/dosbox-SVN.conf. You add the command to the end of the file, in the [autoexec] section. If there’s just one game you want to play, you can have the autoexec launch that game. Otherwise, you’re gonna have to whip out a keyboard. It is DOS after all :)

    Here’s some more info:


    I have published a tutorial on how to add DOS games to Retropie using DOSBox.


    In a future tutorial, I’ll describe how to configure game controllers.

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