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  • #88722

    Hello all I would like to start off by saying that I am rather new to all of this and just started using Raspberry Pi with Retro Pie. I was using Retro Pie v1 for a few days with success when I decided to wile the SD card and install v2. The problem is once I updated to v2 Emulation Station no longer boots. Here is what happens. When I plug in the raspberry pi it runs through code like usual and I get the Retro Pie Gaming project like always. Then it runs through more code like it usually does, and then when it would normally boot to the Emulation Station loading screen it instead stays in the code screen. You know, where you can manually type in commands yourself. This never happened when I had v1 installed on my SD card, only since I wrote the v2 image to the card. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Just try to keep in mind that I am a noob when it comes to all of this, although I am very good at following instructions! Thanks again for reading, hopefully we can get this sorted out!

    – Jay


    Dont forget that

    2.6.0 v1 is for B+ (and 1st series of Raspberry Pi A, A+, B, B+)
    2.6.0 v2 is for the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (The new one)

    Does that help?


    You could connect a keyboard and try entering the command
    $ emulationstation
    If that works then it just isn’t booting to ES and you could fix it by doing:
    $ sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
    Under Setup there is an option to Auto-Start EmulationStation

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