Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Dreamcast Compatability List and D-Pad.

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    First off, is there a Dreamcast compatability list for the Pi2 and 3? I’m finding that at 1050Mhz on the Pi2, the compatability is pretty good for what I’ve tested!

    One thing I did notice though is that select exits the emulator and the directional pad seems not to be configured yet. How would I go about doing that?

    Volgarr The Viking




    I’m not sure what I’m looking at, but here are my config files that should pertain to it.


    I’ll sign up in the Reicast forums for that question. I take it the cross pad and left analog work for everyone else in Reicast?

    In the mean time, here’s what I can play and play well. Mind you nearly every game has crap movie play back and the menus are almost always sluggish, but once you get to the games, everything is pretty well solid at a mere 1050Mhz, minus a graphic glitch here or there, or occasional slow down maybe.

    Alice’s Mom’s Rescue
    Fur Fighters
    Grandia II
    Jet Grind Radio
    Power Stone I and II
    Rayman 2
    Sonic Adventure
    Soul Reaver
    Tony Hawk 2
    Toy Commander
    …and my new favorite game ever… for the time being…

    Volgarr the Viking.


    Just went through the same issue of trying to get the DPAD on my generic usb ps3 controller to work with dreamcast/reicast. It may be different for your setup but if I remember correctly this is what I did to finally get mine working;

    Select the Dreamcast emulator from the frontend > start > menu > configure options input

    then go through the whole setting up of your controller again, this will write to configs/dreamcast/mappings/nameofyourcontroller.cfg

    This should by right map all your controller inputs to the .cfg file but somehow the DPAD and analog stick isn’t mapped and the entries are blank on mine.

    Within the configs/dreamcast/mappings/ folder there is a controller_generic.cfg from which I copied and saved these entries over to my .cgf file.

    btn_dpad1_left = 0x220
    btn_dpad1_right = 0x221
    btn_dpad1_up = 0x222
    btn_dpad1_down = 0x223
    axis_x = 0x00
    axis_y = 1×01

    The games I have tested working are:

    Gunbird 2
    Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2
    Tech Romancer

    Only problem is the sound is choppy on my RPi2, just got my RPi3 today and will see how they run on that. Good luck with your controller setting. If you get your controller working let us know.


    Select the Dreamcast emulator from the frontend > start > menu > configure options input

    I don’t understand what you mean by this:

    “Select the Dreamcast emulator from the frontend > start > menu > configure options input”

    Also, how do you know what numbers correspond with what buttons, directions, and such?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I see what you are saying.


    That just kills my controller all together. Good thing I backed up the config!

    As you can see, the numbers next to my config do not include x’s. Something is up.


    Not sure what you did there but try this for your configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_TwinUSBJoystick.cfg

    mapping_name = Twin USB Joystick
    btn_escape = 296
    btn_a = 290
    btn_b = 289
    btn_c =
    btn_d =
    btn_x = 291
    btn_y = 288
    btn_z =
    btn_start = 297
    btn_dpad1_left = 0x220
    btn_dpad1_right = 0x221
    btn_dpad1_up = 0x222
    btn_dpad1_down = 0x223
    btn_dpad2_left =
    btn_dpad2_right =
    btn_dpad2_up =
    btn_dpad2_down =
    axis_x = 0x00
    axis_y = 1x01
    axis_trigger_left =
    axis_trigger_right =
    btn_trigger_left = 292
    btn_trigger_right = 293
    axis_dpad1_x = 0x10
    axis_dpad1_y = 0x11
    axis_dpad2_x =
    axis_dpad2_y =
    axis_x_inverted = no
    axis_y_inverted = no
    axis_trigger_left_inverted =
    axis_trigger_right_inverted =
    axis_dpad1_y_inverted = no
    axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no

    The only difference between that config and the one I tried were these lines:

    axis_dpad1_x = 0x10
    axis_dpad1_y = 0x11

    And just like the alterations I had made, this kills the controller.


    I’m getting no help here, so I tried to sign up on the Reicast site, but I can’t get it to accept any of the catpchas I type in when trying to register, plus it asks questions I don’t have the answer to, such as what the project is named after.



    I’m not sure why I had (similar) controller issues with dreamcast running retropie 3.6 on my Pi 2

    but when I got my new Pi 3, only thing I had to do was set up my controller via the start up input configuration prompt, and all my buttons were perfectly mapped for dreamcast this time.

    as a last resort setup your controller input again?

    rm /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg
    F4 exit emulationstation
    (re-)start emulationetation

    the configuration prompt will appear again.


    Thanks, I’ve tried that a few times over.

    In fact, because I was also trying to iron out issues with the Rock Candy (another neglected post I have on here), I have somehow lost the ability to quickly scroll up and down through my menus… not just with the Rock Candy, but all controllers.

    I hate to do it, as I’ve been getting good at figuring out how to fix things I have broke, but I think I need to back up my game saves and re-install from scratch.

    BTW What controller are you using exactly the PS3?


    some no name usb ps3 lookalike controller but it gets detected as

    input_device = “DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick “



    Can you possibly post a photo of it? I’m interested in cheap knock offs that work. :)

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