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  • #89070

    Hello all,

    I’m enjoying my RPi and RetroPie greatly, but being the paranoid neatfreak I am, I have some questions about the controller configuration files.

    I just updated to RetroPie 2.6 and am using a DualShock 4. It’s working perfectly fine, but I’m having trouble understanding which configuration files do what. This is all just curiosity.

    First we have /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg; from what I gather this is a “universal” configuration file, responsible for all emulators, correct? In my case, this file was configured using ES-Config (from within ES). I thought running the controller registration from RetroPie’s setup script would somehow overwrite this, but actually the file remains the same. (As I am still missing analog stick settings) What configuration file does the setup script write to? Does it create a configuration file for your controller type in /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs? And if so, to what extent is retroarch.cfg used?

    Then we have the /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs directory. There’s loads of controller configurations files in there. What purpose do they serve? Do they make configuring controllers types, which already have configurations in that directory, redundant? Does ES’ autoconfig feature see to it that your controller is “automatically configured” using the appropriate configurations file from said directory?

    My last question pertains to multiple controllers support. I remember from RetroPie 2.2 (or 2.3, not really sure which version number it was, anymore) that I had a pretty messed up time configuring and using a second DS4. Right now, in 2.6, if I plug in a second DS4, it works without any intervenience. How come? I didn’t configure any controls for a second controller. Is it related to this plethora of configurations files and autoconfig?

    Thanks for reading. Sorry if it all sounds retarded, I’m just trying to wrap my head around it. I hope anyone can give me some clarity. :D


    As far as I know the standard retroarch controller config is set to autodetect the controller. If detected, the config files in /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs are used to map the controls. In my case with a PS3 Controller it is working like this. Somewhere I read that the PS4 Controller is identified as a PS3 Contoller by retroarch?! In this case, these files are used too.

    I didn’t think that the ES Controller config has anything to do with the retroarch config. Maybe I’m wrong…!

    For the analog controls I wrote this to another post. It is related to PS3 Controllers, maybe it will work with PS4 ones.

    Go to

    Edit all PS3-Controller related config files and add the following lines:

    input_up_axis = “-1″
    input_down_axis = “+1″
    input_left_axis = “-0″
    input_right_axis = “+0″

    Then the left analog stick works like the D-Pad!


    [quote=89072]Somewhere I read that the PS4 Controller is identified as a PS3 Contoller by retroarch?! In this case, these files are used too.[/quote]
    I believe the DS3 (BT only) and DS4 have the same device ID, but they seem to have different configurations files.

    [quote=89072]Edit all PS3-Controller related config files and add the following lines:

    input_up_axis = “-1″
    input_down_axis = “+1″
    input_left_axis = “-0″
    input_right_axis = “+0″

    Then the left analog stick works like the D-Pad![/quote]
    That is a completely unintended, but very nice suggestion. Thank you. I wasn’t worried about analog sticks not working, rather I was wondering how come the setup script didn’t add them to retroarch.cfg.

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