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Manual installation of db9-gpio-rpi (using current kernel version):

Login in as user pi.

wget http://www.niksula.hut.fi/~mhiienka/Rpi/linux-headers-rpi/linux-headers-3.18.10-v7%2b_3.18.10-v7%2b-2_armhf.deb
wget http://www.niksula.hut.fi/~mhiienka/Rpi/gamecon-gpio-rpi-dkms_1.0_all.deb
wget http://www.niksula.hut.fi/~mhiienka/Rpi/db9-gpio-rpi-dkms_1.0_all.deb 
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.10-v7+_3.18.10-v7+-2_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i gamecon-gpio-rpi-dkms_0.9_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i db9-gpio-rpi-dkms_1.0_all.deb 

Depending on the kernel you are using, you might have to look for the matching header files on this website: http://www.niksula.hut.fi/~mhiienka/Rpi/linux-headers-rpi/

You can load the driver then with:
sudo modprobe db9-gpio-rpi map=1,1 on console.

If you want to load it every time retropie starts, you must add “db9-gpio-rpi map=1,1” in file /etc/modules

Yes, I have seen this one and already tested UAE4ARM. If you look at its thread in raspberry forums, you will see that I am already active there. Chips responded to my post. So we might get a proper solution someday!

I don’t have any knowledge concerning hdmi audio, because I never came to the point of real playing, because of the joystick issue. I hope someday I can take my pi2 out of my lab and put it in the living room…