Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie 2 questions for mupen64 plus and neogeo on Retropie 3beta2 Reply To: 2 questions for mupen64 plus and neogeo on Retropie 3beta2


Thanks for that. But how can I change the controls in gngeo now? I wanted to do it like in your guide:

1. Go to: /home/pi/.gngeo/gngeorc

2. Add this text:
#p1control A=K122,B=K120,C=K97,D=K115,START=K49,COIN=K51,UP=K273,DOWN=K274,LEFT=K276,RIGHT=K275,MENU=K27
p1control A=J0B4,B=J0B5,C=J0B6,D=J0B7,START=J0B13,COIN=J0B12,UP=J0B0,DOWN=J0B1,LEFT=J0B2,RIGHT=J0B3,MENU=J0B14
country europe
system arcade

But unfortunatly I can’t find that file anymore.

Do you know, where I can find it?