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Hey Again,
I have managed to get ppsspp Libretro to work on my Raspberry pi 2 with Retropie (I took the Happi-Game-Centre psp emulator, a French version of Retropie, and added the necessary files from the android/windows version that were missing)
However I have had some problem with it: when ever i try to save an ISO (for example, Little Big Planet AutoSave) it crashes with the error message:
Pure Virtual Method Called
terminate called without an active exception
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/psp/runcommand.sh: line 283: 2430 Aborted
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/psp/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/psplibretro/ppsspp_libretro.so –config /opt/retropie/configs/all/psp/retroarch.cfg –appendconfig /opt/retropie/configs/psp/retroarch.cfg,/tmp/retroarch-rate.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/psp/Little\ Big\ Planet.iso
The line is question is the evaluation line for $command:
eval $command </dev/tty 2>/tmp/runcommand.log
if anyone could help fix this error I would be more than happy to make a tutorial to get it working, but at the moment I feel like it is not worth people’s time to copy files and scripts to result in a fairly major error message like this.
Any Ideas Are Appreciated, And Any Questions Please Ask!