
First of all make a backup.
Windows: Run ‘USB Image Tool’ as admin and use device mode http://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/
Linux/Mac: dd bs=1m if=/dev/”sdcard” of=/home/”userpath”/RetroPie.img

Disable overclocking:
# sudo raspi-config
# select Overclocking
# Select 700MHz
# Reboot

Update Raspbian:
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get upgrade
# sudo reboot

Update firmware:
# sudo rpi-update
# sudo reboot

Update RetroPie-Setup:
# cd RetroPie-Setup
# git pull

Install newest sources:
# cd RetroPie-Setup
# sudo ./retropie_setup.sh
# select “Source Based Installation”

Enable overclocking:
# sudo raspi-config
# select Overclocking
# Select 900MHz
# Reboot