
OK, got it.

The issue comes from the Retropie-Setup script as suspected.
Precisely this piece of code:


After each new paremeter is input, two function calls are made:

  1. rps_retronet_saveconfig
  2. sup_generate_esconfig

First one only input the following content in ~/RetroPie-Setup/configs/retronetplay.cfg :


If you look at how it should be inserted into a real RetroArch config file, there is absolutely *no* way this is going to work.

Second one, supposedly responsible for modifying the EmulationStation configuration (precisely, the exact command to run on the emulator(s) next time they are being run)… well it doesn’t exist ! Proof of that:

pi@retropie ~/RetroPie-Setup $ grep -rH ‘sup_generate_esconfig’ * -A 1 -B 2
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- esac
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- rps_retronet_saveconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh: sup_generate_esconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi

scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- esac
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- rps_retronet_saveconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh: sup_generate_esconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi

scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- __netplayport=$choices
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- rps_retronet_saveconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh: sup_generate_esconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi

scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- rps_retronet_saveconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh: sup_generate_esconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi

scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- __netplayframes=$choices
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- rps_retronet_saveconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh: sup_generate_esconfig
scriptmodules/supplementary/retronetplay.sh- fi

What you’re seeing there are excerpts of all the function calls to save the RetroArch & EmulationStation configs. That happens everytime there is a netplay parameter modification. And… there is no match for a function definition, *anywhere* in the whole Retropie-Setup folder.

My best guess: there has been quite a lof of rework in the scripts modules and somehow, this one wasn’t maintained.

Once I’ll know for sure that the netplay works fine with a volunteer and my hat-trick, I’ll open an issue on GitHub.

So, waiting for someone out there !

