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I’ve written a tutorial how to configure a game controller in jzintv in the post below.


The links seem to be down in that post so I have included the required files in the attached zip.

The method makes use of shell scripts to launch games so before you start, you need to edit es_systems.cfg. The best way to do this is to copy the file from /etc/emulationstation to /home/pi/.emulationstation. Now edit the permitted extensions to only include shell scripts, .sh, so that the Intellivision entry reads as below:

    <extension>.sh .SH</extension>
    <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 _SYS_ intellivision %ROM%</command>

To make sure that the shell scripts launch, you will need to edit /opt/retropie/configs/intellivision/emulators.cfg to the following:


Now add event_diag.rom and Event Diag.sh to the Intellivions roms folder, restart ES with F4 and you are now ready to begin the tutorial.

Let me know if you need further guidance.