Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Ideas for Further Enhancements Cripsy DOOM + FreeDOOM are Distro Friendly. Please Add. Reply To: Cripsy DOOM + FreeDOOM are Distro Friendly. Please Add.


Ironically when trying to launch this on the latest RetroPie release I got this error:

I_Init: Setting up machine state.
OPL_Init: Using driver ‘SDL’.
NET_Init: Init network subsystem.
M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon – [ ……………………………………..
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
R_TextureNumForName: 2DIRT not found
P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle from SW1EXIT to 2DIRT

The author told me to go into the sources and change the type of the “istexture” element of struct animdef_t in doom/p_spec.c from “char” to “signed char”

I did so, compiled, and it works now. This was not required under the latest Raspian for some reason.