
Ok, I FINALLY figured it out after two weeks of messing with it!!!!

I found a page that went into details about the config.txt file. I tried uncommenting a bunch of stuff out one at a time and the only line that allowed me to finally get an image when I commented t out was:

# hdmi_safe=1

That line is for:

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default “safe” mode

That got me thinking. I’ve been using an HDMI to VGA adapter so that I could use my Pi 2 with a VGA computer monitor. There is a micro USB input power connection on this adapter. I’ve NEVER put power on that connection in the weeks that I’ve been using it for setting up OSMC boxes and other Pi applications and it’s worked fine. I just took power off of my Pi 2, added power to the adapter and powered up the Pi 2 and it boots up fine now with the above line remarked out again.

What a strange one. Case closed!!!