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[quote=117539]I just wanted to sign in and say a tremendous thank you to Smithers for this build. This is exactly what I had always been looking for to setup my media room, and you have made my boyhood dreams come true.

One thing I wanted to ask is whether anyone could assist me with settings adjustments that would allow me to control kodi with either my x-arcade tankstick or retro snes gamepad?



Kodi needs to be recompiled to work with joysticks. There is a sort of workaround for an xbox 360 controller, but it’s not as easy to use as an actual keyboard. I have no experience getting xboxdrv to work with a non-xbox controller, but I have heard that it’s possible.

Here’s a good place to start, there’s more info in the xboxdrv manual. https://github.com/retropie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Setting-up-the-XBox360-controller#alternate-controller-configurations

Edit: fixed the link