
A clever bod on the Pi forums came up with this solution for UAE4ARM:


UAE4ARM looks for files to automount in a particular folder with a particular filename, set in the config file. This script temporarily copies the .adf file to the appropriate location and name. For multidisk games, you can put your .adf disk images in a .zip file – it’ll unzip the files and mount them to the four disk drives. For games with more than four disks it’ll just do the first four files into the zip, as that’s all that UAE4ARM supports, but it’s a simple change to get it to copy and rename all of them so that you can load other disks in from the GUI as needed.

IIRC I needed to change a couple of bits in the script to get it to work but I think that was due to my slightly idiosyncratic RetroPie setup. If you want to get it to boot straight into the game, you can change use_gui to “no” in the UAE4ARM config file, you can still get to the menu with [Left Ctrl] to change disks and settings and stuff.