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You’re welcome – hope you enjoy! Let me know how you get on, I’m always keen to hear if it works for people at their end like it does mine!!

All the best.


This beast-build works just great!!
Most Add-Ons in this build just work “out of the box”, only a little tweaking on some local settings like Timezone or subtitles, but nothing special.

On the Retropie side, I’ve made a NFS mount to the NAS I own. Edited het fstab and crontab files in /etc and all the roms on the NAS are loaded on startup. Now I have almost endless space for the roms and it loads just like if it is on the Pi (or SD) itself. Even both controllers (Logitech Rumblepad and a PS3) are working the first time booting. Not even a single error.
Even my daughter (9 yrs) is playing these old games now. :)

If I find any errors or hiccups (which I doubt) I’ll let you know.

Thanks again for the GREAT work!