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Id be interested in the Raspbian Triple Boot – for me Id just need a good browser (preferably Midori & Chromium), file manager, Python and preferably office. Using a 32gb SD card so im more thanok with using more than 2GB space if needed.

Quick question – I know we aren’t supposed to change the Kodi theme or the build messes up. Are we ok to add and remove add-ons as normal though?



Thanks for your input. I am currently installing Libre Office into the build – hopefully it runs ok in Raspbian but we shall see! Its quite large in size @ around 300MB though. :s

*EDIT – hmm, libre office didn’t install for some reason. Said I was missing some files. I will investigate further, unless there are any other office versions that work and are maybe lighter? OpenOffice?

I have also installed Chromium web browser, but is there a valid reason to have more than one? (i.e. Chromium and Midori?)

I will install a file manager (I presume the file manager included is not very good since you’re asking for a different one?). Do you have any recommendations on a good program for this?

Python is already installed as standard, is it not?

I also intend to install a program dock of some sort – I have read Cairo Dock is meant to run ok – any comments on that (or alternatives that run well?).

As for KODI – feel free to install whatever addons you want, it will work like a normal build does so no worries there. The only thing you can’t do is change the theme -unless- you know what you’re doing and want to change to another theme that supports custom scripting. Personally I like the Aeon theme anyway so don’t see the need for any changes? I used to be set in my ways on the standard Confluence theme but now I can’t get away with it at all!

All the best.

p.s. Im not sure what KODI build to release with the triple boot – Beast Build or My build? Any preference?