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So in regards the triple boot – I have some questions about it:

1) How much space would be reasonable to allocate to Raspbian? If the intention is only to use it as a web surfing, file editing, proof of concept type thing then I would say maybe only up to 2GB? I guess what Im ultimately asking is – what are you going to use Raspbian to do? Maybe then I can use my own judgement.

2) Handling the OS switching – so its self explanatory with RetroPie and KODI (have a dedicated home page menu for both), however in Raspbian, I can only think about placing shortcuts on the desktop which will run my scripts. This gives the potential of the shortcuts being deleted of course, so I wonder if there is another way that I am maybe not thinking of?? Anyone have any thoughts? I can probably implement them into the start menu, so theres one option.

Please let me know what you think and I will take it from there.

All the best.


Hi Smithers The Great lol,

I believe 2 GB should be enough, Web surfing and maybe file editing/creating is mainly what will be done. So just really a good web browser, access to usb storage, media player and LibreOffice are just my main interest really with it.

As for the desktop shortcuts there is indeed the risk of it being deleted so getting it in the menu bar would be better but both can be done.
And or also as “haris1977” said about when rebooting if you can get it to boot directly into kodi.

Have you taken taken a look at raspex OS (http://raspex.exton.se/)??
If yes, what do you think about it??

I already have the beast version up and running and its great and I added the license for MPEG-2 and VC-1.
I’m using a 32GB EVO 48 MB/s UHS-I
What advance settings do you have for kodi buffering/cache on the build or what would you recommend for Ethernet and WiFi, (no cache or cache-amount)

Thanks again for all that you are doing for us. I can’t seem to thank you enough and I’m sure I would not be able to haha.