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haha, trust me – the video isn’t the problem. It is simply an aspect ratio thing. I encoded the video @ 1080p, so it is hardcoded at that resolution / ratio. The problem lies in your TV’s inability to stretch the 1080p image to its own native aspect ratio, it would seem. I say problem, but its not actually a problem, more of an annoyance for you. Unfortunately Im unable to help further though – you need to find a setting in ‘config.txt’ that works with your display. The 16:9 aspect ratio I set as standard in my builds is the most common display standard around these days – it would make no sense for me to make a change to that as the majority of folk would be affected negatively by it (including myself).

Have you checked for a ‘zoom’ or similar button on your TV remote? You can often cycle through different aspect ratios that way. Other than that then Im afraid I can’t really help you.


Hmm thanks:) I will try different aspect ratios through retroarch.cfg though to see if i can resolve it.

Edit: A triple boot with oe+retropie+raspbian would rock:)