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Also as I ask before
Wanted to also know a few things:
1) If you have a list of roms for each emulator that works well with your build, especially for psx and gameboy advance and snes. I tried mario kart but can’t recognize the writing so can’t choose the proper options but the game play it self was good. So if possible will be great if you can give some game choices.

2) How do you exit a game/emulator to return to to retropie main screen. Do it have a button function? I’m doing this by pressing “start and select”.

3)Will the Logitech rumble pad control work well with it. I wanted to get one of those.

4)Last but not the lease, connecting a “3.5” TFT LCD Touch Screen Module 320*480 RGB Display”. Would it work and if yes, how to get it to work.

You are Great and all this is wonderful and amazing. Keep up the good work.



I do have a list yes – I included it in earlier releases but I also think I attached a rom list somewhere in this thread too. If you can’t find it then let me know and I can do another directory print of my roms. As for Mario Kart 64 – if you use the libretro N64 emulator (which I believe is used as standard), then yes the picture will be garbled in the menu screen. If you use a different emulator for that rom then you will find it works fine throughout (press ‘x’ when loading the rom to get into the emulator choice menu).

The ‘exit emulator’ key is ‘start+select’ as standard yes, and also <Esc> on the keyboard. You can set it to whatever you want but I think you need to edit the retroarch.cfg file to do that. Also bare in mind that not all emulators use retroarch / libretro so that config file does not cover all emulators, just the most common ones. You will find some of the ports need configuring via their own setup files / menus, for example.

Sorry but I don’t know about that joypad, but I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. The rumble feature may not work though (it doesn’t with my PS3 pads), so if there is a ‘non-rumble’ version for cheaper then you may want to opt for that instead. I mainly use a Thrustmaster Mini T Wireless which does the job nicely – if anyone wanted the config files for it then let me know and you can have them to save you a long winded job setting them up!

I can’t see any reason why a 320×480 screen would not work but I have never tried this so Im not really the right person to ask! One thing I will say is that you will have to adjust the resolution to suit the screen (I have set it to 720p for RetroPie and 1080p for OpenELEC). Also, I notice there is an official Raspberry Pi touch-screen that has been released today which I think is 800×480 resolution. Might be better to go for that for maximum compatibility.

Good luck!