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This is the incorrect directory (it was used in an earlier version of RetroPie but changed recently). You need to change it to exactly match the below:

joypad_autoconfig_dir = /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/

1,This problem persists when using the script on video mod 4: 3 (4_3.sh)

2,Videomode switch to 4:3 only worked for the first time, then it’s still only 16:9. You can look at the problem?


Indeed it does – an oversight (again) on my behalf as I use pre-configured 16:9 / 4:3 retroarch.cfg files and whilst I updated the main retroarch.cfg file, I forgot to update those 2. :/ I am fixing this and will upload a 7.2 version.

One thing I will say however – please bare in mind that the purpose of the ‘aspect ratio switcher’ is meant to be a one-time choice on first setup, for those who don’t like the stretched 16:9 image. All my script does is remove my videomodes.cfg file (so you can start afresh) and replace my retroarch.cfg file (which is set for 16:9), with a version that forces 4:3. If you switch back to 16:9 again then all it does is copy the original retroarch.cfg file over again and re-enable my videomodes.cfg file. This means that if you have made any changes to the retroarch.cfg file since setting it to 4:3 ratio then they will be lost as all my script does is copy over the top of the retroarch.cfg file that it finds present at that time.

So like I say – I envisioned this to be a one-time change and only included it for the few folk who had asked for a 4-3 build to fulfil their needs in a simple way. If you are wanting to regularly change the aspect ratio then that is fine but please be aware that you need to make a backup of your retroarch.cfg and videomodes.cfg files *if* you have made any changes to them.

Hope this makes sense!